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It was a bright afternoon, almost too bright for Areum's liking

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It was a bright afternoon, almost too bright for Areum's liking. She hates the hot weather, and she figures that maybe her outfit choice wasn't the best.

She spent an hour deciding what to wear and after flipping her wadrobe several times, she decided on a black off shoulder. Areum figured that she looked nice in off shoulders but clearly did not consider the fact that it had long sleeves.

She sighs, fanning herself quickly with her hand. Areum was sitting on a bench, watching the people walk past on a busy saturday afternoon.

Everyone was either out with their friends or out on a date. Areum was happy to categorise herself under the second one.

A date.

When a certain boy comes into sight, Areum seemed to forget about the heat almost immediately. The panting boy finally reaches Areum's side and he falls over in plain exhaustion.

"I'm sorry I'm late Areum, it's just that-" He tries to explain before Areum cuts him off with a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Jimin, let's get going." She says. Jimin smiles brightly, nodding his head as they both make their way to an arcade nearby.

They were discussing what they were going to be doing during the date the day before, and Areum had suggested arcades.

Areum had revealed to Jimin that she adores claw machines, and even though she sucked at it, it was probably the only game that would keep her hooked.

Jimin was quick to introduce a new retro arcade in town, and Areum was more than happy to visit the place with Jimin.

They walked down the street side by side, hands occassionally brushing against one another. This made Areum's brush slightly and she figured that maybe she didn't need to put the blusher on today.

When she looks over to Jimin, he seemed unfazed and her heart drops slightly until she feels a warm grasp around her right hand.

Areum immediately snaps her head down to look at their interlocked hands and she decides that - she really didn't need the blusher today.

After 10 minutes of walking, they reached the entrance of the place. There were only a few people playing inside and Areum liked that. She hated being in crowded places, after all.

With their hands still interwined, she pulls Jimin to one of the claw machines with Toy Story plushies.

"This reminds me of that one scene in Toy Story. You know what I'm talking about, right?" She says excitedly and Jimin nods, smiling.

She quickly inserts a coin in and begins playing but fails miserably at her first try.

"You try it." She suggests, giving a coin to Jimin. Jimin was taken aback, he has concluded that he absolutely sucked at claw machines ever since he tried it once when he was 14 years old.

But Areum was so persistent, he eventually found himself standing before the claw machine, focusing intently on the claw above the toys.

His heart racing and palms sweaty, he quickly punches the big red button and the claw starts to descend.

»»————-  ————-««

"I knew you were good at it!" Areum exclaims, hugging the toy in her arms tightly. Jimin scratches the back of his head, shy from her compliment.

He didn't know how he did it - really. It was pure luck. And he was estatic to see Areum hugging the toy so cutely.

 And he was estatic to see Areum hugging the toy so cutely

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»»————-  ————-««hello!! i'm going away for 5 days because of work so i probably won't have the time to post!! sorry but i hope you enjoyed this update even though i really suck at writing fluff :(

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»»————-  ————-««
hello!! i'm going away for 5 days because of work so i probably won't have the time to post!! sorry but i hope you enjoyed this update even though i really suck at writing fluff :(

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