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Months passed, and December seemed to come faster this year

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Months passed, and December seemed to come faster this year. Park Jimin was now a forgotten topic in school. They had a new school president and everyone simply stopped talking about their previous president.

But Areum could never forget him.

When October 13 came around, Areum wanted to text him a birthday message but decided against it right after seeing him post a picture, celebrating his birthday with Minhee. Jimin probably wouldn't even care if Areum wished him or not.

When Halloween came, Areum remembers the plans that she had for Jimin and herself. They would dress up in various costumes before jumping into a pile of leaves together, hand in hand.

When they were taking their exams, Areum pictured the hard working Jimin, frantically scribbling words onto his paper. But that thought disappears when she realises that his table was empty.

She had to admit, Taehyung and Jungkook were doing a good job at trying to take her mind off Jimin. She has been thinking of Jimin much less than before. She was confident of moving on now.

Contary to Jimin's promise of staying in touch, they've never spoke to one another since the day Areum found out that he was transferring.

Areum didn't mind though, it helped her distance herself from him. She wanted to stop herself from liking someone who was already in a relationship.

But December came around, and it was Christmas season again. Areum can't help but think of Jimin. She thinks of all the ideas she had for Jimin's present. But now she couldn't get any of them for him.


we're spending christmas together right?

does it look like i have any other friends

shit u rite
we really don't have any friends huh

excuse you but i do have friends

your fucking teddy bear doesn't count

your mum isn't your friend

so!! what are we doing for christmas :)

how about we all hang out at my house?


i'm going to leave if yall start playing overwatch

do y'all hear sumn....

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