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For once in a very long while, Jimin was seen focusing intently on the blackboard infront of him as he frantically scribbled a few equations into his notebook

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For once in a very long while, Jimin was seen focusing intently on the blackboard infront of him as he frantically scribbled a few equations into his notebook.

It was evident that Jimin hasn't been paying attention during class for the past few months thanks to a certain someone.

Then, he realised how much his grades were dropping. If he wasn't able to sustain an A- average, he would most likely lose his position as school president. Truthfully, Jimin didn't care about the title at all. Sure, it was fun leading the school and getting to punish people he didn't liked, but he would much rather enjoy his school life rather than be stuck in the student leaders room half of the time.

He didn't want to be school president anymore, but it was all that Jimin's father cares about.

Jimin let his shoulders slump to the side and was starting to doodle in the corner of his notebook instead, drowning out his teacher's voice.

His messy doodles soon formed a familiar sihoulette. He didn't intend to draw her, his hands simply moved on their own. When he finishes drawing, his pencil stops and he stares at the sketch on his book.

Unknowingly, he lets a small smile dance on his lips before the school bell goes off and he closes the notebook.

"Areum!" Jimin hears a voice call out and he whips his body around slowly to see his crush interacting with Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook was sitting on her desk, swinging his legs while Taehyung placed his hands on the desk, leaning his entire weight on it. Areum was smiling at the both of them as the trio chatted.

Jimin turns back around, smiling bitterly as he picked up his bag from the ground. He wanted to be able to spend recess time normally like the rest of his classmates too. But instead, he had to patrol the hallways to ensure that students weren't causing trouble. Afterall, recess time was the prime time where everyone would cause trouble.

His bag laid on one side of his shoulder and he strolls up to the trio at the back of the class. Jimin cleared his throat, immediately snatching the attention of all 3 students.

"It's recess, don't stay in the class." Jimin mumbles, he was tired of being school president, he really was.

Jungkook nods, motioning his friends to follow him out and they stand together but Areum stays behind as the other two boys walk out.

"Are you okay?" Areum asks, concern laced in her voice. Jimin flashes a small smile, he taps Areum's back lightly, motioning her to catch up with the other boys.

She glances briefly at Jungkook and Taehyung, who was standing at the doorway, throwing her curious looks.

She smiles at Jimin, hand moving to grab Jimin's arm. "Why don't you eat with us today?" She asks, full of hope.

Jimin's breath hitched and he gazed towards her hands that were on his arms. The offer was extremely tempting, afterall, this was all that he ever wanted - spending break time with friends. But, he had to patrol the school.

Areum was quick to notice Jimin's hesistance and her grip around his arm only tightened. "It'll just be a day, I'm sure it won't hurt." She tries convincing Jimin and with that, Jimin was convinced.

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