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Areum slips on a thick hoodie, pushing her hands into the pockets as she shuffled out of her home

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Areum slips on a thick hoodie, pushing her hands into the pockets as she shuffled out of her home. As soon as she steps out of the door, the cold wind hits her face and she instantly regrets not wearing something thicker.

But she couldn't wait - she needed to get to Jimin. She needed to get answers to the thousand questions raging in her head.

She runs to the park, careful not to trip on anything or slip on the icy road. It was Christmas afternoon, and everyone was indoors celebrating the joyous day with their family.

The roads were clear of traffic and the park was free from people, like always. It was said to haunted, after all. She stumbles through the park, poking her head in various directions to spot the boy.

And there he was, sitted at the far end of the park. His hands were close to his face, and he holds onto the hotpack in his hands tightly. A small smile creeps on to Areum's face but she quickly wipes it off after remembering that she has not quite forgiven the boy yet.

She sits down next to the boy quietly, careful to leave some space between them. Jimin immediately shoots his head up at the new presence and slides one of the hotpacks over to her.

Areum takes it in her hands, bringing it up to her body for warmth.

"I didn't expect you to come." Jimin mumbles, and Areum nods.

"I had alot of questions that needed to be answered." She simply states and Jimin nods, he isn't sure if he had come prepared with his answers but he was ready to tell the truth.

"Why is the journal incomplete?" She begins, she has a ton of questions in her mind but she starts off with the one on the top of her head.

"About that, I'm going to finish it right here." Jimin says confidently, pushing his chest out a little as he turns to Areum.

"I don't think I've thanked you properly for coming to find me that day." Jimin says, as he remembered Areum and him hugging one another under the dim lights of the park.

Areum shrugs, "I didn't come to find you here. It was coincidence." She says. It was true. How was she supposed to know that he was here if he didn't tell anyone anything? She wasn't a stalker.

"Yes but, you really helped me out of the sorrow I was facing." He says gratefully but Areum only remembers what happened one day after that.

"Why did you disappear without telling me?" She asks again. Jimin gulps, reaching for Areum's hand. He grabs it firmly, wrapping his hands around her smaller hands.

"I'm so sorry Areum. I know apologising now won't do shit, and I don't want to blame everything on my father either but he forced me to return. He took my phone away and I couldn't contact you. I tried running away but he caught me." A lump begins growing in Jimin's throat and he chokes on his words, "In Busan, I met Minhee."

A frown grows evident on Areum's face. "Minhee, huh?" Areum starts bitterly, "You never told me you have a girlfriend."

Jimin cuts her off immediately, "I had a girlfriend. The relationship? Was not real." He clarifies and the frown on Areum's face only grows deeper.

She turns to Jimin, "What? Are you telling me it is fake?" She asks incredously and Jimin was taken aback.

When he imagined telling Areum that he had no feelings for Minhee, he pictured a smiling Areum, not a frowning one. Jimin gulps nervously before nodding his head.

Areum's face falls, shoulder slumping by her side. She lowers her head, muttering a soft Why.

"M-My dad. He forced me into going back to Busan and dating her." Jimin says shakily, it seemed like such a lame excuse.

Areum scoffs, crossing her arms infront of her chest. She raises a brow, not quite looking at Jimin this time.

"Your dad? I thought you were old enough to make your own decisions. Have you not learnt how to say 'No'?" She asks, her tone coming out harsher than she planned for it to be.

Jimin winces, "My dad, is actually the part of the school board. He's partly the reason how I got to be school president. He has power to a certain extent to suspend you from school." He explains, to see Areum's features softening, "And I couldn't risk that from happening."

Areum immediately regrets making it seem like everything was Jimin's fault. Nothing was his fault. He did all of this for Areum's sake, but all she did was to blame him.

A tear escapes Areum's eye before she knows it, and she quickly wipes it away in fear of Jimin noticing it.

Jimin smiles a little, grabbing her hand. "Now, can I finish the rest of the journal?"

Areum nods her head slightly before feeling Jimin pulling her closer to his body. He wraps his hand around her waist in one smooth action. His thumb grazed over her chin softly, pushing it upwards so that they were staring at one another in the eyes.

He chuckles softly, wiping the tears off her cheeks. He laughs cutely, "Why would you cry?"

Areum feels her cheeks blush pink before their lips came crashing together. Everything seemed to be a blur until they regretfully pulled apart.

With Jimin's hand still on her waist, he smiles. "I love you, Areum." He whispers into her ear, his soft voice sending trembles throughout her body.

Areum smiles quickly, before leaving a peck on his lips. Without moving away, she mutters, "I love you too, Park Jimin." against his lips before they started kissing again.

»»————- author's note !!————-««
mayhaps the story is coming to an end 😔🤘🏻

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