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It has been three days since Jimin was absent from school

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It has been three days since Jimin was absent from school. Areum glances over to his empty desk, and can't help but feel empty as well. The past few days without the school president around has been nothing but absolute chaos.

Teachers weren't able to control the students, and delinquents were running around school, creating havoc.

Areum had tried to contact Jimin repeatedly, but her attempts were futile. She was starting to worry about him but when she asked the teacher about his whereabouts, she would simply explain that Jimin was unwell.

Areum prayed that he was okay, and she hoped that he would reply to her messages or at least, listen to her voicemails.

That Thursday morning was rather different. The teacher walked in with a rolled up poster, which immediately caught the attention of the seated students. Some of them leaped from their seats, desperately trying to find out the contents of the poster.

After greeting the class, the teacher begins to unroll the poster. Pinning it up against the wall where the students could see it.

The words on the poster made Areum horrified. She frowns, her arm shooting up almost immediately as the class began to erupt in gasps after reading the poster.

"Why is the school requesting for a new school president when we have Jimin?" Areum asks, curiosity, and yet, abit of anger laced in her voice.

Her teacher smiles sadly, shaking her head before taking out the books needed for the lesson.

"Jimin has transferred to another school."

And the class fell silent.

AREUMwhat is this about you transferring??jiminpark jimin ffsyou're not even sick, are youistg park jiminare you leaving just like thiswithout telling me shit?

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what is this about you transferring??
park jimin ffs
you're not even sick, are you
istg park jimin
are you leaving just like this
without telling me shit?

yeah i'm transferring

wow thanks for replying after
ghosting on me for 3 days i guess

i'm sorry areum

where are you transferring?

actually, i've already left.

what the fuck?
and you couldn't even tell me?
i see how shallow our friendship is jimin

we'll stay in contact

will we?

look areum, i have to go
i'll talk to you later, i'm busy now

Areum doesn't bother typing a reply. She just couldn't believe that Jimin left without even saying anything. She believed that her friendship was much more, she believed that Jimin would tell her everything.

Deep in her heart, she have also wondered, was this really just a friendship? Or was it something more?

Thinking about Jimin made her upset so she decided to go onto Instagram, in hopes of blowing her sadness away and forgetting about the entire situation.

Thinking about Jimin made her upset so she decided to go onto Instagram, in hopes of blowing her sadness away and forgetting about the entire situation

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Areum heart clenches in her chest, and she frowns at the picture

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Areum heart clenches in her chest, and she frowns at the picture. He has never talked about a girlfriend.

When Jimin told her that he was busy, was he busy with her?

»»————- hello !!————-««
oof sorry if this was badly written, i can't
express angst very well

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