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"Jimin, are you done staring at your phone?" Minhee asks impatiently, it was evident that she was annoyed at Jimin's constant use of his phone

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"Jimin, are you done staring at your phone?" Minhee asks impatiently, it was evident that she was annoyed at Jimin's constant use of his phone.

Jimin mutters a soft apology under his breath, placing the phone on the table before reaching for his drink. He glances at Minhee who was sitting opposite him, arms crossed.

She raised an eyebrow, sipping on her latte. With a heavy sigh, she says, "If we are going to date, then you should start being a better boyfriend." She states flatly.

Jimin scoffs, staring straight into Minhee's eyes. "Do I look like I want this?" He asks, obviously hurt.

Minhee simply shrugs, "You don't want it, but your dad does." She leans in towards Jimin in a mocking manner before continuing, "Your dad prefers me over that bitch and you know it." She smirks.

Jimin glares at her, slamming his cup on the table which eventually catches the attention of some teenagers sitting nearby.

Jimin squints at Minhee, "Don't ever call her that again."

Minhee smirks, amused by how infatuated Jimin was with the girl. She didn't like this one little bit.

Jimin wasn't filthy rich, but his family was comfortable. Minhee's family is broken, but she's smart and was already studying for a degree in university while Jimin was still stuck in high school.

Minhee was what Jimin's father wanted as a daughter-in-law. His father figured that having someone smart and self-made would allow Jimin to get his morals straight.

Minhee wanted a family like Jimin. But clearly, it was impossible to salvage her already-broken family. Hence, she figured that by marrying Jimin, she would be able to live a comfortable life as well with a normal family.

At the age of 17, Jimin and Minhee fell in love. But the love didn't last long after Jimin moved to Seoul, and they eventually lost contact, falling out of love.

Now, Minhee wasn't ready to let go of Jimin after meeting him again. She figured that she would hold on tight to him, holding on tight to the agreement she made with Jimin's dad.

But what does Jimin get out of this agreement? How does he benefit from dating Minhee? Well - he gets to protect Areum.

But what does Jimin get out of this agreement? How does he benefit from dating Minhee? Well - he gets to protect Areum

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It was a beautiful day, but Areum hated it. A beautiful day like this one reminded her of the days she would spend with Jimin.

Applications for the new school president was now open, but none of them seemed to suit the role better than Jimin did.

Areum was frustrated. She was frustrated that she wasn't able to give Jimin a proper goodbye, frustrated that she wasn't able to give Jimin one last hug. But, she was the most frustrated that Jimin didn't even bother sharing with her the fact that he would be moving away.

She was tired of scrolling through her social medias too. Jimin seemed to be constantly hanging around that girlfriend of his, Areum didn't even know she existed.

How about all the times where Jimin flirted? Was she overthinking about all of them? She assumed that Jimin liked her too - but she was probably wrong about that.

Areum flops herself on the bed, looking at Jimin's latest snapchat again. Her heart clenches tightly in her heart, tears brimming in her eyes. She quickly blinks back her tears, it would be embarrassing to cry over unrequited love.

The next day back in school was tough, Areum had remembered to put ice on her eyes that morning so that people wouldn't ask her about her puffy eyes.

Areum knows that she told herself she wouldn't cry - but she could not help it.

"Areum!" A voice calls out before an arm swings across her shoulders. She flinches a little before forcing a small smile.

"Hey Jungkook." She mutters and Jungkook immediately frowns at this, he knows when his best friend is upset.

Jungkook retracts his arm from her shoulder, standing infront of her which caused Areum to stop in her tracks.

Jungkook bends down to the perfect angle to meet Areum's eyes. They weren't as puffy anymore, but Jungkook could still see that it was swollen.

"Is it because of him?" Jungkook asks softly, wary of his words, he didn't want to potentially make Areum cry again.

Areum doesn't say anything, but Jungkook had already figured it out. He smiles, tapping Areum's shoulder reassuringly.

"You'll be alright Areum, I promise. Let's go out together, like the good old days." Jungkook suggests and Areum doesn't refuse, she just wants to get her mind off of Jimin.

Areum remembers the day her lips met Jimin's, on the day of the party. It was a dare but it was a kiss that Areum would never forget. Mid-way through the kiss, she was convinced that the both of them knew they liked it.

But Jimin had a girlfriend this whole time? It didn't make sense to Areum at all.

"Areum." Another deep voice calls, snapping Areum out of her thoughts. The trio was now at an ice cream parlour. Taehyung lets out a deep sigh, sending Areum looks of concern.

"I'm pretty sure they're not actually dating." Taehyung states flatly, which causes Jungkook to nudge his arm harshly. Taehyung winces but decides to reiterate his point.

"Look," Taehyung starts with a deep breath, catching Areum's attention, "Jimin and I aren't exactly the best of buddies, if anything we are rivals." He explains.

"But when I say that Jimin really likes you, I know I mean it." Taehyung says, a hint of hurt laced in his voice. It was clear that Taehyung liked Areum too, but if he wanted Areum to be happy, she needed to know how much Jimin really liked her.

Jimin has approached Taehyung to talk about his feelings for Areum and he was convinced that Jimin was really whipped for her. So, Taehyung didn't really understand how he suddenly had a girlfriend.

Areum lets out a shaky breath, hovering her hands over Taehyung's before holding it. She smiles, "Thank you for trying to make me feel better but I don't think I can believe that anymore." She says before a lump in her throat begins to form.

»»————- author's note !!————-««
lol that is too long to proofread so i hope
i didn't make any major mistakes oof

minhee's ig profile ;

the face model for minhee is @/han_kyung__ on ig !!

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the face model for minhee is @/han_kyung__ on ig !!

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