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I sighed, looking around at my surroundings carefully

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I sighed, looking around at my surroundings carefully. Maybe getting here was a mistake, I thought.

Fidgeting nervously with my hands nervously, my hands wrapped around the glass bottle slowly as I spun it quickly with the flick of the wrist. It spins and eventually stops, with the top of the bottle pointing in someone's direction.

My eyes follows the line of direction until my eyes landed on Jimin. I gulped but a small smirk grows on Jimin's lips. A bunch of "ooh"s and "ahh"s resounded across the room as Jimin inched closer to me.

"That was just a practice round, right?" Taehyung chirps in. The shoulders of the people in the room slumped, and nods.

I breathed a sigh of relief, only to notice a disappointed Jimin, and an excited Taehyung. Jimin rolls his eyes before spinning the empty soju bottle. As it spun, the people in the circle clarified, "This is where it really begins."

But when it spins to a stop, the tip of the bottle was facing me now. I widened my eyes, shooting my head up to face Jimin. A smirk was sneaking up on his face, the corner of his lips twitching.

"Jimin has to kiss Areum!" Someone in the circle yells, followed by the rest cheering.

"Again, that was a practice round, right?" Taehyung asks nervously, fumbling with his fingers. Jungkook slaps Taehyung's back, "How can there be two practice rounds? Jimin definitely has to kiss Areum this time."

I took a deep breath, as Jimin scoot towards me.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked in a whisper. But I didn't get a reply. Instead, soft plump lips met mine. And that was the last thing I remembered before I melted into the kiss.

 And that was the last thing I remembered before I melted into the kiss

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I sat on my bed, rethinking the events that had played tonight. I went to the party thinking I would have a chance to kiss Taehyung, but came back thinking about the kiss I shared with Park Jimin.

thank you for the kiss babe

babe?? when did we
establish this

i mean the kiss we shared was
pretty intense, it seemed like
someone got mad

what are you talking about

i'm talking about taehyung, silly
he literally stomped out of the room


he likes you, doesn't he?

no way, he's way out of my league
he's too

so, you like him then

i wouldn't say that haha
he's just really handsome and
funny and smart-

cool i thought you still liked

that douche??
i guess i got over him pretty quickly

i can clearly see that

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