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Christmas morning was brighter than ever, as the sun rays shined on Areum's face through the gaps in her velvet curtains

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Christmas morning was brighter than ever, as the sun rays shined on Areum's face through the gaps in her velvet curtains.

She lazily flips over, hands instinctively reaching for her phone. She didn't have any plans for Christmas day, so she had already planned on staying home for the entire day.

Jungkook and Taehyung were both spending the special holiday with their family but unfortunately for Areum, her family had decided to go on a vacation without her.

But it wasn't like Areum wanted to be stuck on an island with Arin for 5 days either, so she ended up voluntarily staying behind to take care of their pet dog.

Upon turning on her phone, she was greeted by various messages from her mother, Jungkook and Taehyung. After responding to the texts, she realises that she didn't respond to one of them.

Her thumb hovers over the name, she hesitates for awhile before eventually tapping on the chat.

Areum reads the text once, twice, and again. She couldn't quite believe that Jimin had messaged her again. It has been months since they've contacted.

Everytime Areum tries to contact him again, she deletes her message after seeing Jimin talk about his girlfriend on Instagram or Snapchat.

Areum eventually realises that Jimin was truly happy with his girlfriend and decides that she didn't have a place in his life anymore.

So maybe, perhaps, Jimin sent that message by accident.

She places the phone back on her nighstand before making her way towards the bathroom. She quickly pulls her hair into a messy bun, brushing her teeth. Areum realises that she looks like an absolute mess, but decides to brush it off.

Afterall, she's only going to spend Christmas in her own comfortable home alone.

She changes into an oversized sweater, scrambling into her messy bed, reaching for her laptop. She goes onto her favourite site, Netflix, immediately going through the movies section.

She ponders over which movie to watch for the longest time ever. Areum was about to finally settle on a movie but a knock on the door interrupts her actions.

She groans, crawling out of the comfort of her own bed. On the way to door, she begins to mumble incoherent curse words. If it is another salesperson, I swear-

Her thoughts were instantly cut off as soon as she swings open the door, revealing the boy standing infront of her. He smiles sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he pushed the present into Areum's hands.

"Merry Christmas Areum." He says with a smile. He desperately hopes that Areum can't see how nervous he was being.

Areum widens her eyes, stumbling back a little as her small hands gripped tightly onto the box. It's him. Tears begin to fill Areum's eyes unconciously, she was hearing his voice again.

"Jimin." She says, her breath shaky. Jimin sends her a bitter smile. He was still standing outside of her house, but he wishes that Areum would invite him in.

Areum didn't know what to say. The message wasn't a mistake? She asks herself. But why?
She asks herself again. This wasn't right - he had a girlfriend.

Jimin eyes were still glued on her, waiting for a response. Coming over to her house wasn't an easy decision. He wanted to simply ask Areum out on Christmas but after she ignored his message, he didn't know what else he could do.

"Thanks for the present," Areum finally says, "But I didn't get you anything, obviously."

Jimin smiles, relieved that Areum doesn't completely push him away.

"Do you want to, go out, maybe?" He asks, eyes sparkling with hope.

Areum narrows her eyes at him, chuckling in sarcasm when she sets the gift down on the table. She tilts her head, "On Christmas? Don't you have better places to be?" She asks.

Jimin lowers his head, he knows exactly what she was getting at.

"Christmas are meant to be spent with special people." Jimin continues, "And I think that you're the only person special enough in my life."

Areum eventually scoffs, sticking her finger into Jimin's chest.

"I'm special? Maybe you should've remembered that when you moved to Busan without telling me anything. Or maybe, you could've told me about your girlfriend instead of leading me on." Areum says, and every word hits Jimin like a bullet. She was right.

Areum glances at the gift sitting on the counter top. She smiles dryly once more before handing the gift back to Jimin.

"I'm sorry but I can't accept this." She states flatly before slamming the door shut. But the door is stopped by Jimin's foot, and he manages to force it open again.

"If you can't accept me in your life again, at least accept my gift. Please." He says with so much desperation. Areum sighs, she does not quite understand why she had to accept it but nods her head quickly.

Jimin face lights up a little and he hands it back to Areum again. Jimin wants to say Call me or I'll see you soon. But he knows better to say that. So he simply mutters a soft goodbye before walking away.

Behind the door, Areum stares at the box in her hands.

»»————- author's note !!————-««
the next chapter will reveal jimin's gift :")
i will probably upload it in 1-2 days idk

but thank you for being so patient ❤️
i know that i'm not exactly the best when
it comes to updating so tysm for baring w me

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