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CHRISTMAS EVES always seem to be more busy than Christmas day itself

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CHRISTMAS EVES always seem to be more busy than Christmas day itself. People hustled out of shops, desperately trying to get their last minute Christmas shopping done.

Areum adjusts the scarf lying on her neck, burying her face into it. She absolutely loved Christmas, she loved giving and receiving gifts. But most of all, she loved the cold weather and the festive lights.

Her hands tightens around the paper bag she was holding, careful to not drop the gifts she got for Taehyung and Jungkook. She was excited to spend Christmas with them.

It was always just Jungkook and her, so she was glad that her friend circle expanded. Of course Areum had other friends, but she wouldn't consider them close friends.

She hopes that Taehyung and Jungkook would like her gifts for them.

After 30 minutes of strolling, Areum arrives at Jungkook's apartment. It wasn't her first time here so she instantly notices the extra decorations Jungkook has displayed.

She chuckles softly, it was cute that Jungkook had put in the effort to shop for decorations and put them up.

The door swings open, revealing a Jungkook who was clad in a casual sweater. He sends a wide smile to Areum before Taehyung hopped out behind him. Taehyung yells a 'Merry Christmas' so loud, that Areum was afraid Jungkook's neighbours might complain.

She shoves the two boys through the door before placing the gifts below the Christmas tree. They had planned to open them when the clock strikes 12.

In order to pass the time, the trio enjoyed watching replays of old movies. At some points of the movie, either boy would get up to impersonate the characters. And for the first time in a long while, Areum was happy again.

As soon as the clock striked 12, Taehyung jumped out from his seat, energetically screaming a "Merry Christmas" before running towards the illuminated christmas tree.

The two boys hands their present individually to Areum, both looking at her with doe eyes, waiting for her to tear open the wrapping paper.

They were both enveloped in small boxes so Areum wonders what they got for her. She has never really expressed her desire for anything in particular so she figures that the boys probably took a long time deciding what would be the perfect gift.

Taehyung's present revealed a silver necklace, with a charm hanging on the front. Upon a closer look, Areum notices that the letter A was engraved on the charm. There were also several diamond studs circling the letter. Taehyung smiles sheepishly and Areum breaks out into a smile before attempting to hang it around her neck.

Taehyung quickly gets behind her, tightening the necklace for her. Jungkook cringes the sight, throwing a pillow in their direction.

"Stop being all lovey-dovey!" He yells which results in a series of laughter.

"That was the only reason I got Areum a necklace." Taehyung admits with eventually gives Areum blushed cheeks.

She quickly gets to Jungkook's gift, not wanting to embarrass herself any further. She rips open the wrapping paper, revealing a pair of earrings. They seemed to come in a set together with the necklace, and Areum sends the duo a curious look.

"We shopped for them together," Jungkook clarifies, "And you can put them on by yourself, I'm not helping you."

The walk home was quiet, with only the sounds of Taehyung's breathing and mine filling the air

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The walk home was quiet, with only the sounds of Taehyung's breathing and mine filling the air.

It was an uncomfortable silence though, it was a peaceful walk and I liked just looking at the snow fall beneath our feet.

Upon reaching my doorstep, Taehyung sends me a smile. He starts to lean in, and I find myself stiffen as I watch his eyes flutter shut. Almost 5 inches away, he hesitates and opens his eyes.

I stared back in utter confusion, not sure what I should do. Should I lean in? Should I pull away? Should I run in my home?

Eventually, before I could even answer my own questions, Taehyung leaves a chaste peck on my cheeks. He smiles again, bidding goodbye as he walked away. What was that?

With a million thoughts running in my head, and my heart going wild, I slipped through the door, and pressed my back against the wall. The loud notification from my phone eventually breaks my daze and I reach for it almost immediately, it might be Jungkook or Taehyung after all.

 The loud notification from my phone eventually breaks my daze and I reach for it almost immediately, it might be Jungkook or Taehyung after all

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