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The next few days happened so quickly

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The next few days happened so quickly. Jimin's mother finally decided to move out the place without his dad. It was a tough decision to make, as they knew that they wouldn't receive any financial support anymore.

But they weren't after the money, they were much happier on their own.

His mother has started her new job at a banking firm while Jimin started working part time at a convenience store. All this while, Jimin is thankful that he still has Areum by his side.

They had to eventually go back to school, and he prays that his father wouldn't pull a dick move. They still had senior year to complete.

Jimin sighs, scanning the banana milk infront of him before tossing it into the plastic bag.

"That will be 1,400 won." He mumbles monotonously and the customer infront of him sighs before passing him the money.

"What kind of customer service is this?" The customer banters before Jimin shoots his head up, ready to shoot the customer a glare.

He has been working for the entire day and he didn't think that he deserved such bullshit, especially if it was New Year Eve. He didn't want to work today at all, Jimin had planned spending the day Areum.

He wants to end the year with Areum, and start the year with Areum.

But his ideals came crashing down once he realised that he had a shift at the convenience store.

He glances at the customer, only to notice a smirking Jungkook and Taehyung standing infront of him.

He gasps, before mumbling a "Hi". Jungkook chuckles shaking his head, he takes his banana milk before shuffling out of the convenience store.

He turns around to find Taehyung staying behind. Jungkook shrugs and walks out first, figuring that the two guys probably had something important to discuss.

"Take your uniform off." Taehyung mumbles and Jimin frowns.

"I'm not going to strip for you." He says simply and Taehyung widens his eyes before shooting his head up. He hits Jimin playfully.

"I don't mean it that way." He breathes, "I'm taking over your shift. Go play with Areum, or whatever."

Jimin widens his eyes, mouth opening agape. Why was Taehyung doing this for him? Taehyung notices the long pause in their conversation.

"Is that a no? Guess I'll get going then." Taehyung sings playfully before he was stopped by a forceful grip. He smiles, turning around to face Jimin again.

"Make Areum happy." But Jimin notices that the smile dancing on Taehyung's lips seemed to be a bitter-sweet one.

"I will." Jimin reaffirms before dashing out of the store, pulling his phone to his ear.

Areum stands below the dark sky, leaning against the metal railings that were placed on the edge of the cliff

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Areum stands below the dark sky, leaning against the metal railings that were placed on the edge of the cliff.

The wind causes her hair to occasionally hit her face, so she brushes the strands behind her ear.

Jimin smiles as he continues to stare at her side view. She looks beautiful. He thinks before he slides closer to Areum. Areum notices this and she blushes but is quick to lower her head before Jimin noticing how warm her cheeks were getting.

Jimin chuckles, pulling his phone to check the time. It was 11:55. 5 more minutes before a new year starts. He looks over to Areum.

"How was school without me?" He asks and Areum rolls her eyes, hitting his arm playfully.

"It sucked. I couldn't skip school with anyone." She teases and Jimin giggles, his smile growing wider.

Before them, fireworks begin erupting within the night sky. Colourful streaks of lights painted the black canvas, and Areum begins to scream in excitement.

Jimin continues to stare at her, and Areum frowns before peeling her eyes off the scene infront of her.

"Why are you staring?" She asks quickly before whipping her phone out to record the fireworks.

"You're even more beautiful than the fireworks." Jimin compliments and Areum laughs along with it before brushing it off.

"You're so cheesy." Areum says between laughter as she continued to take the video.

Jimin grabs her wrist, causing her to lower her phone and stare into Jimin's eyes. In one swift motion, he presses his lips against hers gently as they begin to move as one.

The fireworks continue to erupt behind them and Jimin presses his body closer to hers. Areum wraps her hand behind Jimin's neck as she tip-toed with Jimin pulling her closer with his hands on her waist.

At 12am, he pulls away from her, their foreheads leaning on one another's.

"Areum, will you be my girlfriend?" Jimin asks, panting heavily.

Areum smiles before crashing their lips together again. As she pulls away, she smiles softly against his lips.

"Park Jimin, you're mine now." She whispers and Jimin manages to catch that even with the loud fireworks behind them.

Ending 2018 and staring 2019 with Areum was the best thing Park Jimin could ever ask for.

»»————- author's note !!————-««
oof bts is coming to my country can you hear me screaming && we probably have 1 chapter left before the end!!

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