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From across the classroom, Areum sees Jimin lay his head on the table as the teacher knocks on his table repeatedly

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From across the classroom, Areum sees Jimin lay his head on the table as the teacher knocks on his table repeatedly. The entire class was staring at Jimin - some slightly annoyed as he was interrupting the class.

Jimin sleeping in class was a new sight. As school president, he was always scribbling away in his blue notebook. In addition, he would always raise his hand to answer any queries the teacher had.

"Park Jimin!" The teacher huffs, and Jimin jumps in surprise. He rubs his eyes lazily, raising his head to see the teacher, arms crossed, standing before him.

He smiles sheepishly before the teacher yells a "Detention!" over her shoulder. A few student snickers, amused by the fact that the school president got himself into detention.

Areum lowers her head, circling her pen. She has done it for over a minute, and when she looks down at her notebook, she realises that there was almost a hole in it. She sighs, ripping the paper off.

The bell rings, and students begin to keep away their notes and stationaries, much to the teacher's displeasure.

"Don't forget to do your homework." She reminds sternly and a few groans could be heard. The students trails out off the classroom and as usual, Jimin stays behind.

Areum looks at Jimin, and is slightly concerned after noticing the dark eyebags under his eyes. He always had the eyebags - but they seemed worse today.

She hesitates walking over to Jimin, but her feet seemed to move on its own and she was now standing before his desk.

He hasn't noticed her presence yet though, he seemed to be staring into space. Jimin's hands are gripped around his pencil tightly, and Areum fears that he may break it.

"Jimin." She calls, quickly snapping Jimin out of his daze.

He looks up in shock, immediately dropping the pencil. He smiles from ear to ear, but Areum notices how fake it seems.

"Is something," She begins, "Wrong?"

Jimin was taken aback , for sure. He didn't expect someone to ask about his feelings. No one ever seemed to notice.

"I'm- not okay." He says. It took alot of effort, Jimin thinks. He never talks about his feelings. And for sure, he didn't expect to talk to Areum about them.

Areum nods understandingly, quickly taking a seat next to Jimin. She asks if he wants to talk about it.

"It's just that," Jimin breathes, "My dad is really stressing me out because of my grades." He explains.

"I only became president because that would make my dad happy. But what about me? I'm not happy at all. I don't want to study, I want to have fun. Is that so hard for a teen like me?" He asks, his voice almost shaking.

Areum places a hand on Jimin's back, trying to soothe him. She wasn't sure if it worked - she wasn't very good at consoling people. But Jimin felt comforted, her touch seemed to calm him down in every way.

"It must be hard. Say, why don't we experience what being a teen is like?" She suggests, and Jimin is interested in this proposal that she seemed to have.

"Let's go." She smiles, reaching her hand to Jimin after she stands. Jimin smiles in return, blinking his tears back as his hand engulfs hers.

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