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"What the hell is wrong with you?" A voice bellowed across the hall, causing Areum to jump a little

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"What the hell is wrong with you?" A voice bellowed across the hall, causing Areum to jump a little.

Just like everyone else, she turned to look at who was causing such a ruckus early in the morning. Class hasn't even started, who had such energy to scream so loud?

At the end of the hall, she manages to see two male sihoulettes. One was pressing the other male against the locker, grabbing firmly onto his collar.

Areum shrugs, turning her attention back to getting the books she needed from her locker until another voice screams again.

"Kim Taehyung, get the fuck off me!"

Areum snaps her head to the voice, closing her locker shut before she runs towards the end of the hallway to find Taeyong and Taehyung staring at one another.

She gasps, immediately running forward in an attempt to pull the two guys away from one another. But her attempts were proved to be futile as Taehyung gripped Taeyong's collar tighter.

"Taehyung, stop!" Areum warns and Taehyung finally turns to look at Areum, gaze softening as his large eyes met hers. Reluctantly, he lets go off Taeyong's shirt and the other male rolls his eyes, adjusts his shirt and walks away.

"Why were you doing that?" She asks Taehyung, with arms crossed. Taehyung shrugs, hanging his bag over one shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me he cheated on you?" He asks softly, careful to not let the people around hear him.

Areum lowers her head after scanning the people around. There were people crowding around, and she honestly did not know where to hide her face. She was embarrassed even though it wasn't her fight.

"Alright, fun's over. Get to your classes before I give all of you detention!"

A few groans could be heard and the crowd dissipates as Jimin made his appearance. He stands infront of Taehyung and Areum, a small notebook in his hand.

"Care to tell me why there was a fight?" He asks, question obviously directed to Taehyung. Taehyung shrugs. Jimin sighs, lowering his notebook. It was clear that he wasn't planning to give the taller male any detention. "Just get to class." He sighs.

Just as Areum and Taehyung was about to leave, Jimin spoke up again. "Areum, stay."

Taehyung turns around in the speed of light, squinting his eyes at Areum. "Why should she stay?" He asks, the tone of his voice extremely low.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "I have something to say to her. Just go."

Taehyung insists to stay again but as soon as Areum waves her hand, reassuring the male, he leaves but doesn't forget to send Jimin a suspicious look.

"Do you know what the fight was about?" Jimin asks, stepping closer to Areum. Areum is taken aback by his sudden movement, and decides to take another step back, pressing her back against the cold metal surface of the locker.

"I don't." She simply says.

Jimin smirks, "Taehyung heard about Taeyong cheating on you. He was so angry, he sprinted out of the classroom." Areum widens her eyes, did Taehyung really do that for me? She asks herself, but Jimin's voice soon cut off her thoughts.

"It seems like alot of guys care about you." Jimin states, "I guess it'll be pretty difficult trying to win your heart over." The corner of his lips lifts as he walks away, leaving a flustered Areum in the hallway.

" The corner of his lips lifts as he walks away, leaving a flustered Areum in the hallway

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don't think too much about what
i said, i was kidding haha

do you always joke about such
things so easily like it's nothing?

what do you mean?

i'm just saying
you've been making all these
sexual remarks, were they all a joke?

i don't think you need to know that

jimin what?
i have every right to know

it's late areum
go to sleep
don't be late for class tomorrow


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