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The teacher sighs, putting her marker down as she stared at Jimin

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The teacher sighs, putting her marker down as she stared at Jimin. The rest of the class followed her gaze and soon, everyone was looking at Jimin too.

But Jimin was too busy typing into his phone and doesn't realise that all's attention was on him.

"Park Jimin, for the last time, try to be role model and pay attention in class." The teacher deadpans and Jimin's head shoots up in embarrassment.

He lowers his phone slowly, mumbling a quick apology as the class resumed. Areum stiffles a snicker and grabs her phone again.

pay attention president jimin

i think i would rather talk to you
than listen to ms lee talk about
neutrons and electrons

Areum feels the heat rising up her cheeks and she pushed a stray hair away from her face. Her thumbs begin typing, but the phone was soon snatched out of her grip.

Ms Lee was holding her phone now, arms crossed and a frown evident on her face. Areum curses under her breath, and prays that Ms Lee wouldn't look at her phone.

But tough luck, Ms Lee looks at her phone.

"So, Jimin and you have been texting instead of listening to my class?" She asks, and the class erupts into a bunch of "ooh"s and "ahh"s upon the revealation.

She walks over to Jimin's desk and snatches the phone away before shuffling back to her teacher's table.

"It's detention for both of you."

»»————-  ————-««

"Maybe we should try to be a little more discreet next time."Jimin suggests, following the statement with a chuckle.

Areum smiles, "Or maybe we shouldn't text in class." She refutes and Jimin gasps dramatically.

Areum hates being in detention, and she always had. She was spending two hours of her life doing completely nothing in a boring classroom, when she could be sleeping on her comfortable bed at home.

It was also Jimin's first time at detention. Of course he has been in this classroom before - but he used to be the one standing behind the desk instead of sitting down.

And because there wasn't anyone to watch them, they were chatting the afternoon away. Detention wasn't supposed to be this much fun, Areum thinks.

"So about that date we were talking about," Jimin begins and Areum's heart begins to thump heavily against her chest. She wasn't expecting Jimin to call it a date and she was definitely not expecting her heart to react this way.

"D-Date?" She stutters and Jimin looked rather amused by her reaction.

"Date." He confirms before getting out of his seat. He hovers over Areum's desk, eventually placing his palms on her table, his entire weight leaning on them.

Areum shifts back into her seat and smiles nervously at this.

Jimin lowers his body until his face was right infront of hers. He could tell how nervous Areum was getting and frankly, he was nervous too.

Jimin smiles and tries to hide his nerves. His palms were also sweating but Areum doesn't need to know that.

"Is it okay if I take you out on a date?" He asks again.

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