Chapter 1

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*3 years later*
Lisa's POV
"Hey babe, I'm going to go to that meeting" Aaron said and I nodded
"Okay" I said and he came up and peck my lips
"I love you" He said and I smiled
"I love you too" I said and he walked out of the door and I went and grabbed Lincoln who is a year old, Adalyn is two, and Emerson is five
"Hey there Mr lovers" I said as he smiled and I kissed his cheek as I gave him his dinner and he started eating as I smiled as the girls were eating and I started doing dishes and everything and after a hour gone by I decided to give the kids their baths and everything and get them ready for bed and everything. I read the girls their story and they were sound asleep and Lincoln was asleep in his crib so I walked back downstairs and sit on the couch as Mickey came up and sit next to me
"Hey buddy" I said as I was petting him and it was almost 9pm...Aaron left 3 hours ago, his meetings last no longer then forty minutes usually. I tried calling him  several times and literally no answer and I texted him several times no answer.  I'm starting to get worried so I called his sister  McKenna
"Hello?" She answered
"Hey McKenna have you heard from Aaron at all?" I asked and she took a breath
"No I haven't, what's up?" She asked and I took a breath
"Well he left like 3 hours ago and haven't came back yet and this is not like him" I said and she took a breath
"Oh wow, no I haven't heard from him but if I do I'll let you know" She said and I took a breath
"Thanks" I said as I hung up the phone and I heard Lincoln crying so I walked upstairs and got him and brought him back downstairs and got him his teething ring which calmed him down thankfully he is almost done teething. It is now almost 11:00pm and Lincoln is back asleep in his crib and I'm still worrying about Aaron I called his uncle, he hasn't heard anything. I called my older brother Micheal who ended up coming over because he didn't want me to be alone, I called his work and they said he left at 7 other then that Nobody has heard anything and Micheal put his hand on my shoulder
"I'm sure everything is fine, maybe his phone is dead or something" he said and I took a breath
"Still doesn't make sense why it's this long" I said and then Emerson came downstairs
"What are you doing up?" I asked as she came up to me rubbing her eyes
"Where's daddy?" She asked as I lifted her up
"That's who were waiting on" I said as I kissed her cheek and she rested her head on my shoulder and she fell back asleep and I looked at Micheal
"I'm going to put her back in her bed" I said and he nodded as I walked upstairs and put her in her bed and I walked downstairs and I seen a cop car outside my front window and he knocked softly and I answered it
"Hey" I said and he took a breath
"Are you Lisa? Aaron's wife?" He asked and I nodded
"Yeah I am" I said and Micheal was standing behind me and he spoked up
"I'm afraid that I have bad news, Aaron was in a car accident and did not make it" he said and my heart just dropped, no it can't be, and he spoked up
"I'm sorry" He said and the next thing I knew Micheal pulled me into a hug and I just bawled.

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