Chapter 18

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Lisa's POV
I had nothing but butterflies and he spoked up
"Lisa I'm sorry I didn't mean too" He said and I took a breath
"It's fine" I said and he shook his head
"No its not fine! I don't want to rush you" He said and I took a breath and I pressed my lips against his again and he kissed back and I spoked up
"Listen, I love Aaron and I will always love Aaron and he will always be with me no matter what" I said and he gave me a look
"But I know Aaron well enough that he's happy for me right now, he's glad I'm not by myself and that I have someone that will be there when I need them " I said and I spoked up
"I will never love like I did Aaron, but I believe I can  love you just as much" I said and he smiled and it was getting late and he spoked up
"Well I'm going to head out" He said and I nodded as I walked to the door with him and he pressed his against mine once more, which I like it, but weird because it wasn't Aaron but I'm going to try to move past that and I spoked up
"By the way, if we are going to be a thing now, it wouldn't be such a bad idea if you meet my kids" I said and he took a breath and smiled
"Really?" He asked and I chuckled
"Yeah, why don't you come over for dinner tommorrow night?" I asked and he smiled
"Sure" He said and I spoked up
"I will warn you though, My oldest Emerson has been having a rough year with her dad being gone, so if she doesn't talk to you or anything don't feel bad" I said and he nodded
"Okay that's understandable, it takes time" He said and I smiled and he walked to his car
"Goodnight Lisa" He said and I smiled
"Goodnight Tanner" I said and I closed the door and took a breath and can't help but to think if I'm doing the right thing, I know Tanner has nothing but good intentions with the kids and I. I'm honestly worried about how Emerson is going to take me seeing someone else, but I know she will end up understanding. They will have male figure in their life now which is what the kids needs which they have their uncles but still, we will see how it goes. I honestly think I'm ready now, and I just have to keep thinking that Aaron will be happy.

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