Chapter 10

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*1 year later*

Lisa's POV
It's been a year since Aaron's death. Things are doing better but of course I wish he was still here. Emerson is now 6, Adalyn is 4, and Lincoln is 2.  We are actually having Adalyns birthday party today and she is having a blast, which is all that matters and all of my sisters and I were sitting at one table and McKenna came up to me
"Hey, thanks for inviting me and my uncle" She said and I made a face
"Of course you guys are family, you'll always be their aunt" I said and she hugged me and walked back to sit with her uncle and my parents are at and Christina spoked up
"So lise, how is everything?" She asked and I took a breath
"Can't believe it's been a year" I admitted and they all nodded and I spoked up
"Honestly the loneliness is starting to kick in" I said and I took a breath
"You always have us though" Dani said and I took a breath
"Yeah I know but you know what I meant" I said and spoked up
"It really kicks in at night when he's not in bed with me you know?" I said and they all nodded and Christina spoked up
"Don't get mad at what I'm about to say" She said and I looked at her
"What is it?" I asked and she took a breath
"How about maybe start dating?" She asked and I took a breath
"I don't know" I said and spoked up
"After Aaron I don't really want anyone else" I said and I spoked up
"It has been a year but I honestly don't know if I'm ready and also I don't want to just to bring someone into the kids lives like that" I said and they all agreed with me
"I think it will be good for you" Lauren said and she spoked up again
"Like getting out again and stuff" She said and I nodded
"Right" I said and I took a breath and spoked up
"I just don't know if I'm ready"  I said and they all stayed quiet and I spoked up
"But I do know one thing" I said and they all looked at me
"If I start dating or not those three kids" I said pointing at Emerson, Adalyn and Lincoln as they were playing
"They are my priority, no matter what,  those three are going to come  before any other guy ever, it's going to be them, it will always be them" I said and they all smiled
"You're a good mother Lisa" Dani said and I smiled
"Thanks, like I just want them to be happy, that's all I want"

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