Chapter 14

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Lisa's POV
I ended up grabbing my phone and called Tanner back and he answered
"Hello?" He said and I spoked up
"Hey its me, so I did end up finding a babysitter so about that dinner" I said and he chuckled
"Wanna meet at that diner by the mall at 6?" He asked and I spoked up
"Sure that will be good" I said and he spoked up
"Okay see you soon Lisa" He said and I took a breath
"Alright see you then" I said and hung up and Christina smiled and gave me a hug
"I'm proud of you lise" She said and I took a breath
"Yeah" I said and she smiled and spoked up
"Well you go ahead and get ready and I'll take the kids" She said and I spoked up
"Hey guys" I said to the guys and I spoked up
"I have to do something so you guys are going to go with Aunt Chrissy and I'll pick you up later" I said and Adalyn spoked up
"No momma" She said and Emerson spoked up
"We want to go with you" She said and Christina
"You guys can't go with her, come on we will have fun" She said and Emerson gave me a look and I know what she's thinking and I walked up to her
"I told you, I'm not going anywhere" I said and spoked up
"Go with aunt Christy and play with your cousins, you'll have fun" I  said and she nodded
"Okay" She said and she hugged Adalyn
"Come on sis" She said and they both got up and Christina grabbed Lincoln and I made a bag for them to take with her and I went up to my kids
"I'll see you guys later" I said as I went and kissed them all goodbye and gave Christina a hug and she walked out and Lincoln was crying for me and I waved "I'll see you soon" I said and as I closed the door and I went and got ready and by the time I was finished it was time to go so I got in my car and drove to the diner and he was standing there waiting for me and she smiled as he saw me
"Hey lisa" He said as he opened the door for me to walk in and I smiled
"How are you?" I asked and he nodded
"I'm good" He said and we sat down and looked at the menu and everything and he spoked up
"So how are you?" He asked and I took a breath and spoked up
"I'm doing okay I guess" I said and he spoked up
"Listen I couldn't imagine going through what you did, especially with three kids, but I want to let you know I'm not expecting you to rush into anything because I'm not wanting to rush ether after my divorce but after the doctor appointment I feel like we can be there for each other" He said and I smiled
"Okay" I said with a smile and he smiled and we continued talking and finding more out about each other, I don't know where this is leading too, but hopefully something good for both of us.

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