Chapter 4

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Christina's POV
I went over to my mom's because I know Lisa is over there, so I went over and walked in
"Hey mom" I said and she spoked up
"In here" She said and I walked in the room where she had a sleeping Lincoln in her arms and I spoked up
"Where's Lisa?" I asked and she spoked up
"Funeral home" She said and I nodded and spoked up
"How is  she?" I asked and my mom took a breath
"She didn't even sleep any" She said and spoked up
"Lincoln woke up crying at 7:30 this morning so she just stayed up"   She said and I took a breath
"Always a mother first" I said and my mom nodded
"That's right" she said and then we heard the door open and it was Lisa
"Hey lise" I said and she looked exhausted and she took a breath
"Hey" She said and I spoked up
"Do you need help with anything lise?" I asked and she shake her head
"No, I think I got it done" She said and then a cop was knocking on the door
"Hey lisa here?" He asked and I nodded
"Lise" I said and she came up and he spoked up
"Can I talk to you outside?" He said and she nodded and they went back out

Lisa's POV
"What's going on?" I asked and he took a breath
"On your husband wreck, we found out the other driver was intoxicated and swerved on the ongoing traffic which was Aaron" He said and I took a breath and nothing but anger took over me and I spoked up
"Is he still alive?" I asked and he nodded and I shook my head
"I don't understand" I said as I took a breath and he put his hand on my shoulder
"I know it's not fair and we will never understand, but in the mean time do you and your kids need anything?" He asked and I shooked my head
"Only thing I want is my husband back" I said and he took a breath
"I understand" He said and I spoked up
"Do you really?" I asked and he looked at me
"Like do you really understand my situation because if so I need advise now more then ever" I said and he took a breath as he looked at me
"I have not been in your situation no, but I will tell you this, get sleep" He said as he walked off and I got up and walked back inside and it was getting late and my mom already had the kids bath and stuff done and Emerson came up to me
"Can we snuggle momma?" She asked and I smiled
"Of course" I said and then Adalyn came up and cuddled with us and I can see my mom and Christina smiling at us as I sung them itsy bitsy spider and then after a few moments they fell asleep. I just admired them and my mom spoked up
"They really do love you lise" She said and I smiled and Christina nodded
"I just don't understand how I can give them the beautiful life they all deserve now? Without Aaron I don't know what I'm going to do" I said and my mom spoked up
"Lisa we are all going to help you okay?" She said and Christina spoked up
"No matter what we got your back" She said and I smiled
"Thanks" I said and they both came up and hugged me tight.

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