Chapter 22

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Lisa's POV

We were at my parents house for brunch after church and my mom spoked up
"So Lisa wheres Tanner?" She asked and I spoked up
"He had something to do at the hosptial" I said and she nodded and Christina came up to me
"Ive been meaning to talk to you lise" she said and I looked at her
"What is it?" I asked and she spoked up
"How do you feel about Tanner?" She asked and I took a breath
"I really like him" I said and she took a breath
"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded
"It just seems like when you're around him you're hesitant like youre scared to about him or something" she said and I took a breath
"Because I am scared" I admitted and she gave a look
"Of him hurting you?" She asked and I shook my head
"No" I said and she spoked up
"Then what is it?" She asked and I took a breath
"Im afraid to fall in love with him" I admitted and she gave a look
"Why?" She asked and I took a breath
"I don't know, I just can not help but feel guilty because" I said and she cut me off
"Aaron?" She asked and I took a breath and nodded
"I miss him Christina" I said and she sit down next to me
"Listen, I know you do but remember Aaron is probably so happy for you right now because you have someone who is good to you and the kids" she said and I took a breath
"Youre right" I said and she spoked up
"Do you guys even act like a couple?" She asked and she spoked up
"Because also when im around you guys, you dont even touch each other" she said and I took a breath
"Eh now that I think about it, not really" I said and she took a breath
"You like him right?" She asked ans I nodded
"Then don't be afraid" she said and I nodded and my phone went off and it was Tanner

T: Hey! Just getting off
L:Oh cool! Just come by my house :)

I grabbed my kids because they were getting cranky and tired so we went home and they laid down for their naps. Emerson is even asleep which is shocking because she doesnt take naps much anymore. I heard my door knocked and it was Tanner and I smiled
"Hey" I said with a smile and he smiled
"Hey" he said as he was walking in  and I shut the door and he spoked up
"Where's the kiddos?" He asked and I spoked up
"They are taking a nap" I said and he nodded and I spoked up
"You wanna watch a movie?" I asked and he nodded and we went and sit on the couch and I played a movie and I got a blanket to cover us up with and about 10 minutes in the movie he put his arm around me which he hardly ever does and I just took breath and scooted closer and laid my head on his chest and I spoked up
"So can I say something?" I asked and he spoked up
"Of course" he said and I spoked up
"I just wanna say Im sorry for not being affectionate and" he cut me off
"Hey I get it, it can be tough just take your time, we'll get there" he said and I smiled and lifted myself up and spoked up
"I think Ive had enough time" I said and I pressed my lips against his and our lips moved in sync and it felt different, this is the first time we kissed like this and I havent had a kiss like this since Aaron but I smiled through the kiss and pulled away and we just smiled at each other.....I dont know what it is, but I have a good feeling about this.

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