Chapter 23

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10 years later

Emerson's POV

I am now sixteen, my sister Adalyn is thirteen and my brother lincoln is twelve. Today is Mother's day and I will say, I absoutely love my mom and not ashamed to say that she is my best friend. People say I am her mini me. We look that much a like. I would not be who I am today if it wasnt for my mom. We lost my dad when I was five years old. I know it sounds crazy but I remember that night, I remember the look on my face when she told me. My mom did everything for my siblings and I. My siblings do not remember our dad, but I do. I always tell them stories, the ones I remember at least. I walked downstairs and seen Tanner, who is my stepdad. He does everything he can for our family, we are not his kids but he does treats us like his own. My mom is really happy with him, and I know my dad is happy for us. Its like he sent Tanner to take care of us when we needed him.
Right now I am going through old pictures my mom had of my dad and she walked in my room
"Hey Em I was just" she said and then she stopped and smiled
"Hey I was wondering where those went" she said and I smiled
"Sorry Mom, I was just" she just cut me off
"You can look at those whenever you want" she said and I smiled
"Mom do you think dad of proud of me?" I asked and she made a face
"Are you kidding? Of course he would!" She said and I took a breath
"I wish he couldve been here to see me win that talent show today" I said and she smiled
"You did absoutely amazing, and he is proud. Hes always going to be with you" She said and I smiled and then Lincoln walked in with ice cream and my mom spoked up
"Lincoln dude, youre going to spoil your dinner" she said and he shooked his head
"No Im not, I have lots of room left" he said walking out and my mom spoked up
"What am I going to do with him" she said and I chuckled
"I dont know" I said and we kept looking at the pictures and I spoked up
"Mom you and dad are like everything" I said and she smiled
"Your dad was everything to me, he treated me like a queen, so Im telling you this right now, do not take less then what you deserve okay?" She said and I nodded
"Okay" I said and she smiled and Adalyn came in and wrapped her arms around me
"Hey sis" I said and we continued looking through photos and my mom spoked up
"So I just want you two to know that I love you more then anything and you are the light of my world" she said and I smiled
"Youre our hero mom"

Lisa's POV
I am so proud of the person that Emerson is growing up to be, not only is she beautiful, but she has such a beautiful personality. She looks at the world in such a different way then I did when I was 16. She does so much for Adalyn and Lincoln. She is actually been huge into music lately playing guitar and writing songs. She writes some amazing song, so I guess you can say that shes my daughter haha. Shes been through a lot, she is such a strong girl and I hope she keeps going down the path she is going because she is going to do amazing things.
Adalyn is growing up to be a beautiful girl as well, Tanner says hes buying the biggest security system for the house haha, she starting to come out of her shell more which both of my girls are introverted. Adalyn is just more quiet then Emerson. Adalyn likes to draw and she wins contests at our church all the time. She definitely at a tough age, but she does nothing but make me proud like her siblings. a definition of a mommas boy, he is definitely a socialable dude, not shy by any means. Hes extroverted unlike his sisters. He loves to make people smile, and laugh. Hes definitely brings all of us a lot of joy. He been into sports lately so weve been busy with that. I love that my kids are all into different things. Theres a Dad and son trip coming up for our church which is breaks my heart because I know Aaron would love it, and Tanner can't go because of work but luckily my brother Nick is going with him which Lincoln is excited about.

We have been through a tough tragedy but we made it. We got through it just like we always did and just like we always will. I know Aaron is proud and happy for us and he will never be forgotten and will always be apart of our lives. We are thankful for Tanner who treats our family so good. We are thankful our families. We are so blessed. 

The end!
Thank you guys for reading! This story is now over! Please let me know what you think! It means so much to have your support! I know I said this before but I had to get the last two stories out of my systen but my writing on wattpad has officially came to a end. Thank you and love you all.

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