Chapter 7

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Lisa's POV 
I woke up to Lincoln making noises and I got up
"You are way too big for that bassinet my dude" I said as I lifted him up and did his morning routine and walked downstairs quietly as Emerson and Adalyn were still sleeping  and I heard someone knocking on the door and I went to answer while I still have Lincoln in my arms and it was a teenager with I'm assuming his mom and I spoked up
"Um hi" I said as I was confused because I never seen these people before
"Are you Lisa Cimorelli?" She asked and I nodded
"Yeah I am" I said and she took a breath
"My son was the driver, Can we talk?" She asked and I took a breath
"Um sure come in" I said and we went in the living room and my mom came up
"Who's this?" She asked and she spoked up
"I'm Tracy, my son was the one who was unfortunately drunk driving" She said and I looked at the kid
"Wait it couldn't have been you?" I asked and he shook his head
"My older brother" He said and I nodded and she took a breath and spoked up again
"So we know whatever we say or do is not going to bring your husband back" She said and I nodded
"No offense but what brings you by?" I asked and she took a breath
"As we can see you have a kid" She asked as she was looking at Lincoln and I spoked up
"3" I said and she made sympathic face and she spoked up
"We are so sorry, we thought we raised him to make better choices and" and I cut her off
"Listen, I'm pretty angry at your son and I'll always will be, but you do not need to apologize for his actions" I said and she took a breath as she got out her checkbook
"We want to help you" She said and I took her hand and sit down gently
"The fact that you guys came says a lot, but I can not take your money you can give me all the money in the world and it doesn't change anything, honestly all I ask is for you" I said gesturing towards the younger kid and he looked at me
"Learn from this okay? Do not make the same mistake your older brother did because decisions like that can change everything " I said and he nodded
"I promise" He said and I nodded and heard Emerson coming down the stairs and she stop and smiled "Mommy!" She yelled as she ran to me and I spoked up
"Well I'm going to make my kids breakfast, thanks for stopping by really" I said as I got up and she gave me a hug
"Bless your heart" She said and I walked in the kitchen

Lynne's POV
"Well thank you guys for stopping by and checking and everything" I said and she spoked up
"I just wish there was I something I can do" She said and I took a breath
"Unfortunately, there's nothing Noone can do but I'm sure it took a lot to come here, so thanks I know Lisa seemed kinda moody" and she cut me off
"No I completely understand! She has every right to be angry, my heart just breaks" She said and I spoked up
"Lisa is a strong independent person, she'll pull through" I said and she spoked up
"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded
"I know my daughter, she will"

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