Chapter 16

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Lisa's POV
I woke up this morning with Emerson next to me. She's been sleeping with me basically every night since Aaron died.  Shes afraid to leave my sight because she thinks something is going to happen to me. I got up without waking her up and look at the calender which today is Aaron's birthday. I took a breath and walked upstairs and Adalyn was jumping on my bed and woked Emerson
"Adalyn Lynne what are you doing?" I said and she smiled as she jumped towards me and into my arms and I chuckled and Emerson was just laying there and I heard
"Momma!" Which was Lincoln coming in and I made a face
"Did you climb out of your crib?" I asked and he smiled and I lifted him up and set him on my lap and I looked at Emerson
"What's wrong Em?" I asked and she spoked up
"I miss daddy" She said and I took a breath 
"I know, I miss daddy too" I said and Adalyn spoked up
"I don't really remember daddy" She admitted and I kinda smirked and Emerson spoked up
"Daddy use to read us bedtime stories all the time Addie" Emerson said and I spoked up
"It's good you remember daddy Em, because you can tell Addie and Lincoln all about him" I said and she smiled and I spoked up
"You know what, it is daddy's birthday today so how about we have this day for remembering daddy, like looking at pictures, I'll tell you guys stories, we will have his favorite dinner" I said and Emerson smiled
"Really?" She said and I nodded
"Of course" I said and she spoked up
"There's still more I wanna know about daddy" She said and I smiled
"I'll tell you guys everything you wanna know" I said and I spoked up
"Even though I miss your daddy very much, just looking at you three makes me happy because you guys remind me so much of him" I said and Emerson spoked up
"How?" She said and I looked at her
"Well Emerson you know how you always love helping people with things " I said and she nodded and I smiled
"Your daddy was the same exact way" I said and Adalyn spoked up
"What about me! What about me!" She said and I chuckled and spoked up
"You know how you always say Hi to everyone you see?" I said and she nodded and I chuckled
"Daddy was pretty outgoing too" I said and I put Lincoln on his feet
"And this little guy is just daddy spitting image" I said tickling him to make him laugh and they all smiled and my heart is full so we went downstairs and I played old videos for them from our youtube that Aaron and I posted and my phone went off and it was Tanner so I got up and went to answer it

"Hello?" I said and he spoked up
"Hey lise, you busy tonight?" He asked and I looked at the kids as they were watching
"Yes, spending it with my kids, it's actually Aaron's birthday" I said and he spoked up
"Okay understandable" He said and spoked up "have a good day lise" He said and I smiled
"You too" I said and I looked at the kids again and smiled...they are really the light of my world.

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