Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV
All the sisters decided to have a lunch date so we are all sitting at this mexican restaurant. My kids are with Aaron's uncle today and I'm actually going to tell him and Aarons sister about tanner, and Im also going to tell my sisters about Tanner, so I spoked up
"So I have a confession" I said and it got all of their attention and they all looked at me
"What is it?" Kath asked and I took a breath
"So there's this guy" I said and they all gave me wide eyed and Christina smirked
"Is it Tanner?" She asked and I nodded and Dani spoked up
"Tell us about him?" She asked and I spoked up
"Well hes a doctor, hes very nice, respectful, been through a messy divorce" I said and she spoked up
"Is he cute?" She asked and I kinda chuckled
"Hes very cute" I said and I spoked up
"We even kissed the other night" I said and they all gave me wide eyed again and then Katherine spoked up
"So how does he make you feel? Like your feelings towards him and everything?" She asked and I spoked up
"Definitely different then I ever felt with Aaron, like its not the same but could possibly be the same? We just started seeing each other so we will just have to see how it goes" I said and Lauren spoked up
"What about the kids?" She asked and I took a breath
"Hes going to meet the kids tonight, he is actually their new doctor and already met Lincoln but hasnt met the girls" I said and spoked up
"Im more concerned about Emerson then I am with Adalyn or Lincoln when they meet him" I said and I spoked up
"But I had my time with him to figure out that if this is what I wanted, and I know she will need her time to get use to it" I said and they all nodded and Christina spoked up
"Is this what you want?" She asked and I took a breath and I nodded
"Yeah I think I'm ready" I said and they all smiled and Lauren spoked up
"Well do you have a picture?" She asked and I chuckled and took out my phone and showed them a picture and they all said he was cute and Amy spoked up
"We're happy for you Lise" she said and I smiled

Christina's POV
I am honestly so happy that Lisa is starting to date, I hope we get to meet Tanner soon, Lisa deserves to be with someone that will take care of her and treat her well and not let her be alone. She needs this. After everything that happened with Aaron Lisa is honestly a saint. We all love Aaron, Aaron will always be apart of our family. Aaron and I was close, and I know him well enough that he is happy for Lisa, and he wants this for Lisa because he wants someone to take care of her and everything, again...Lisa needs this and it makes me happy.

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