Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV

I went over to Aaron's uncles house to pick up the kids, and Mckenna is there and I went and knocked on the door and she answered the door and she smiled
"Hey Lisa" she said as she was hugging me and I hugged her back  and I walked in and Lincoln reached out for me as soon as he saw me and I lifted him up and kissed his cheek and I sit down and took a breath
"So I have to tell you guys something" I said and they both looked at me
"What is it?" His uncle said and I took a breath
"You guys will always be in the kids lives, regardless and before I say this, I do want to make it clear that I still love Aaron" I said and they both nodded and I took a breath
"Im seeing someone" I said and they both stayed quiet and his sister just came up and hugged me and I hugged her back and his uncle spoked up
"We cant expect you to be alone, especially with three kids" he said and I nodded
"My kids are still my priority and I couldnt keep it from you guys, but like I said, youre  always going to be there in their lives" I said and they nodded and smiled
"Thank you Lisa, I know Aaron is happy for you" His uncle said and I smiled and said my goodbyes and got the kids in the car and we got to my house and the kids and I walked in and my phone ringed and it was Tanner

"Hey" I said with a smile on my face and he spoked up
"Hey Im on my way!" He said and I smiled
"Okay" I said and I was watching the kids play and I heard the door knocked and I went over and answered the door and Tanner was standing there with a smile and gave me some flowers and I smiled
"Aw thank you" I said and he smiled and leaned in and peck my lips and he smiled
"Just to make you smile" he said and I spoked up
"Ready to meet my rugrats?" I asked jokingly and he chuckled
"You know it" he said and he followed me and I spoked up
"Hey kids" I said as I walked in and they all looked except for Lincoln and Emerson and Adalyn looked at us
"This is Tanner" I said and Adalyn smiled and spoked up
"Hiii" she said happily as she continued playing and I spoked up
"That is my 4 year old Adalyn, and That is Emerson my mini me" I said and he chuckled
"They both look like you!" He said and Emerson just smiled and he walked over to Emerson and bend down to her level
"Hey Emmy" he said and she spoked up quietly
"Hi" she said and he spoked up
"Can I play with you?" He asked and she just made a face and looked the other direction and he looked at me and came back
"I tried" he said and I spoked up
"Just give her time"

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