Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV
Its Christmas morning! Tanner is with us this morning. He finally met my siblings and parents and they all seemed to be okay with him, and Emerson is starting to warm up to him. She is starting to sleep in her own bed now, Lincoln is out of crib now, so we had three kids jumping on the bed
"Mommy can we go see what Santa brought us please?" Emerson said as she laid next to me and I smiled
"Of course" I said and we got up and walked downstairs and Lincoln was staring at us from the stairs
"Come on bubby" I said and he started to walk down the stairs and we heard Emerson
"Oh my gosh Mommy santa got me a new bike!" She said and I chuckled
"Wow look at that!" I said and Adalyn got one too and Lincoln got one of those battery powered four wheelers and he was on top of it
"Wow bubby do you love it?"  I said and he was smiling and yelled "A tractor!" He said happily and Tanner and I laughed
"No buddy thats a four wheeler" I said and they continued to go through the stuff and I spoked up
"Now are you guys ready to open presents from me?" I asked and Emerson nodded so they all sit down and I handed them each of their present and they opened them and we continued that method until we were done, Emersons last present was a heartshape locket necklace and she looked at it
"This is pretty" she said and I spoked up
"Open it" I said as I went and sit down next to her and she figured it out and it was a picture of her and Aaron when she was three and she smiled
"Daddy" she said and I spoked up
"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded and hugged me and I spoked up
"Now I want you to take really good care of this okay?" I said as I helped her put it on and she spoked up
"Ill never take it off" she said and I smiled and hugged her again and I smiled and then Mickey came up to us and started licking my face and I smiled
"Hey boy I didn't forget about you" I said as I got up and gave him a new squeak toy and he started playing with it. I got up and Tanner handed me a gift bag and I smiled
"You didnt have to get me anything" I said and he took a breath
"I know, but I wanted too" he said so I took it and opened the bag and it was a necklace case and it was a necklace that was absoutely beautiful and I smiled "Well thank you" I said and I peck his lips and Emerson came up with one of her toys
"Tanner can you help me open this?" She asked and I smiled and he spoked up
"Of course!" He said as he took it and opened it for her and she smiled
"Thank you" she said and I went and got Tanners present and he gave me a look
"Noe you got me a present but didnt want me to get you one?" He asked and I shrugged
"Yeah" i said and he laughed as he opened it and it was the Jacket that he really wanted and he smiled
"Oh wow, I love it" he said as he peck my lips again and I smiled and he took a picture of the kids and I and I posted it

LisaCimorelli: Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

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