Travel and Blue Glows

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Being around my friends is a treat. I won't say otherwise on that. But nothing brought me more solace than being able to go back into my tent and to my phone. To Sean. That and the blanket he bought me was amazingly fluffy and warm, when he first sent it to me I refused to go anywhere in my house without it.

My tent was warmer than I expected when I made my way back into it, it felt as if someone left a small heater nearby but no one packed one so that couldn't be the case. Either way, I shrugged it off and yanked my phone out of my bag. Of course, the first thing I notice is email notifications, multiple. Looks like Sean got concerned.



Subject: Concerned Bean here!

Are ye sure you should be camping when you can fall asleep any minute from a lack of sleep?! And um... yeah. M. He's super worried about ya! Hang on... I'll give him your email address so he can message you himself. Stops him asking me.

Please be safe,


I quickly checked the next email to see it was indeed from 'M'. His email address immediately caught my attention just from how odd it was. An ugly sounding snort of a laugh sounded out as I reread the name. He's definitely a friend of Sean's.



Subject: Hello!

Hey, um... It's M. Sean's friend? He said I should just refer to myself as that when I'm talking to you. I heard about your nightmares, sounds awful... Not being able to sleep in peace...

But it's awesome how you're still helping people and saving lives despite that! And a bit concerning... Ah well, it's been happening for a while and nothing bad's happened so that's something! :D

Hello again, by the way,


A sigh left my lips as I looked at the two messages as I wondered who to answer to first, I sat there for about a minute before I decided what to do. Email both at the same time. I mean, I'd have to wait for both to reply for it to work how I'd like it to but at least it was something. I thought to myself as I dragged the fluffy blanket closer to myself, fighting against the cold that started to creep into my fabric fortress.



Subject: Sent to both Sean and M because I'm lazy

First of all,

Hello to you too M, I was hoping to talk to one of Sean's IRL friends at some point. Didn't think it would be like this though.

Anyway, my nightmares are nothing to worry about, I've had them for a while and I've become rather desensitized to them. All they do is make me cry... and slightly paranoid. I keep thinking someone's been calling my name even if there's no one nearby. Not to mention I feel like someone's watching me. It's probably just my paranoia so...

Sean, don't worry,

A girl who's warm under her bright green and blue blanket. :)

M didn't reply to the email but Sean was the quick bean he was and replied within five minutes.



Subject: VERY Concerned Bean here!

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