Mute and Work

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You'd think that work would be difficult for me considering my rather tired state that some believed to be natural for me but my work was rather easy. Especially if I was paired up with Klaus as he grew to adapt to my tiredness.

One thing I haven't grown used to is the night shifts at the hospital. No one really understood why but the nights always seemed to be terrifying, even if only slightly. Everything from the smell of disinfectant to the heaviness of the stagnant air seemed to increase as the night enclosed over the building.

A hospital was supposed to be a place of healing, a place that makes people feel better but at night they seemed to be the opposite - a place of pain and death like the hospitals of old. Also, it didn't help that certain parts of the hospital had been closed off years ago, have become rundown and now have ghost stories about it. I was unfortunately reminded of those stories tonight when some teenagers decided to try and distract their friend who had been hospitalised.

The story was rather basic in all honesty but it was the fact that it was the most realistic one that bothered me. It was a simple story about a doctor that had been driven insane by hearing voices, most likely that he suffered from auditory hallucinations due to a mental illness, and eventually he cracked and went on a murder spree, killing patients with little to no care as to who they were and it was said that at the end of it all he eventually killed himself and that his ghost haunted the rundown wings of the hospital.

A sigh left my lips as I stared out at the door which led to the closed off part of this old hospital. There were soon going to be construction to restore that part of the building and bring it into the modern era with the rest of the hospital but that was still a month away from starting.

I was very tempted to walk through that part of the building, just to see what it was really looked like if it was as run down as they say or if it was just slightly worn down from a lack of use.

"You okay there, Fräulein? You keep staring at that door." Klaus's voice sounds out, causing me to jump from the suddenness of his presence. Before I knew it I could feel a small burn at the back of my throat as if I needed a ton of water. I had gone mute again. I quickly gesture to him that I was fine and that I couldn't talk before rushing back to the nurse's station to grab my phone so I had an audible means of communicating.

Upon grabbing my phone I noticed that Mark had tried to contact me as my phone notified me of multiple missed calls. A silent groan left my lips, knowing that the goof would be losing his mind with worry because I wasn't speaking to him. I shake my head in frustration as I walk over to my more than frequent patient, Ms Thomson.

Ms Thomson was an elderly widow whose sole purpose in life seemed to be to land herself in hospital in the most ridiculous ways possible. It was actually how she met her late husband, a doctor and previous employer of mine. It really seemed that she purposely got herself hurt just so she'd have an opportunity to speak to me, she did see me as one of her own at points.

As I walk into the room with a calm smile I could already feel annoyance creep up my spine as I was greeted with the elderly woman trying to use a coat hanger to reach something from across the room. Where did she even get the coat hanger? I thought as I quickly grabbed the remote that was her target and handing it to her, swapping the coat hanger with it so I could confiscate the damned piece of twisted metal. I quickly pull out my phone and use one of Mark's voice clips as a greeting before quickly tidying up the room around me.

"Poor dear, you've lost your voice again?" She croaked out, her voice was raspy with age and the fact she was a heavy smoker up until her husband died of lung cancer. I give her a quick nod, shrugging to let her know that I wasn't bothered before making sure she had everything she needed for a comfortable stay. "Have you found a boyfriend yet, sweetie?" If it wasn't relatives, it was Ms Thomson asking that damned question.

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