Colourful Friends

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The morning sun blasted straight into my eyes with a sniper's precision, waking me up from the sleep that I found myself entering shortly after coming home from one of Wilford's interviews. The most recent one was about some sort of club and the weird occurrences that happened, the interviewee was the president of the club who was rather dismissive of anything odd happening but as Wilford's interviews typically go, it went to hell and the reporter and I ended up in a weird space-like void to which the man had to teleport us out of.

It had been about a week since the incident at the manor and I couldn't bring myself to tell the man that the broken soul of his beloved was following me around, quietly telling me stories of the three boys when they were children. It would be so much easier if I could just find what took her body and then help her get it back.

Are you okay? She asks softly as always as I lay on my bed, glaring at the window that dared to let sunlight break through it. "I'm fine...!" I mutter out as I turn away from the sun, shielding my eyes as I do so. Celine was colder than Damien for the most part but still had a very caring side, she just needed to be around the right people. A groan left my lips as I pull myself off of the sofa that I had collapsed on the previous night. My nights were rather dreamless, a gift from Celine so we wouldn't have to deal with Dark.

Anti, or rather Ace as I had to call his feline form once Wilford saw him after attempting to collect me from the flat several days ago, was laying on the window sill enjoying the warmth the sun had to offer like an actual cat.

The Septic egos still kept dropping by even after Anti's multiple attempts to get them to stop showing up. Their antics always made me laugh so I didn't mind their visits. Heck, even the Iplier egos started to randomly show up from time to time, it was mostly just Wilford though as he wanted to be a bigger part of my life. It's because you were a big part of Damien's life. Celine had explained when I began to question it.

'Ace' let out a small groan like sound before making his way over to me, jumping up onto my shoulders just as he always did. A small purr sounded out as he nuzzled me in a lazy attempt of saying hello, turns out for a glitch, he was actually extremely lazy when he had the chance not that it was really a problem, it just made things easier on me.

"Hey, bud." I greet the feline as I made my way over to the kitchen only to freeze as a suited man made his way around my kitchen, humming happily to himself as he did so. "Bim?" I call out to cause the show host to freeze in his spot. "Okay... Well, I'm guessing today is going to be even more energetic than yesterday..." I mutter to myself as I watch the man go back to frying what seemed to be burgers on my old grill. I don't even want to know who he got that meat from. I thought to myself as I made a 180 and left the kitchen. I noticed a small cloud of pink smoke and rushed towards it, knowing it was my way to get to the HQ.

"Hello there, old chap!" My favourite moustached man called out as he pulled me into a crushing hug, nuzzling his face against the top of my head as he did so.

I let out a giggle, wiggling my legs around as he pulled me up into the air. "Hey, Wil! How are ya?!" I chirp out, enjoying the hug as I always did. Wilford always seemed to have the best hugs, mainly because they were so warm and you could always tell that he was being heartfelt. Wilford went on to tell me that he was doing good but Dark had begun to get angrier quicker if that was even possible. That might be my fault. He's been trying really hard to drag you into the Void... Celine muttered as she thought over Wilford's words. She was still struggling to believe that Wilford was her darling William but she wasn't letting it get to her.

Wilford dragged me off to his office, making sure to avoid the other egos as he didn't want to be slowed down. Something he typically did but he didn't seem his typical hyper self, usually that meant he was back to acting like the Colonel but Celine would've let me know of William's mannerisms before Wilford even noticeably changed like she had done before. I wonder if everything's okay... I thought, curious as to what could be wrong with my dear friend. "Everything alright, Will?" The DA asks for me, it was like having another subconscious rather than just having a ghost talk to you - something I was used to now thanks to Celine.

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