Dark Versus Darkness

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The night sky was one of the best views that Damien's house could give, didn't help that the master bedroom lead off to a decent sized balcony and that's where I stood, gazing at the stars above. Celine floated off in the distance, probably enjoying the breeze and Midnight was by my side, he was fast to listen to commands which is surprising for a stray.

I sit down next to the pooch and lean back, getting a better look at the view. Midnight had been here for about a month, and I couldn't help but adore him. He was always happy to see me and despite Celine keeping her distance from him they really didn't seem to mind each other which saved me a headache, to say the least. My life felt like it was somewhat normal once again and since I saw Dark's letter I have actually left Damien's house though it's mostly for shopping and to walk Midnight.

Walking Midnight was one of the highlights of the day which was ironic considering I had a habit of walking him at night time. The nearby forest was calm and practically heavenly as the moonlight illuminated the river and wildlife in the opening that I had found. It was the one spot that didn't remind me of anything, unlike this home. I was still struggling with the memories the DA gave me but she did have some very fond memories of a Christmas party here, one of them explaining the origins of the damned watch. Perhaps we should explore the forest more. Celine would always encourage, wanting me to get out of the house as much as possible. She claimed it was because she feared that I would retrogress with all the memories about the house only for me to remind her that I could retrogress without a trigger which is what made me dangerous.

Now I know I wasn't a dangerous person, as the District Attorney or as Wilford's assistant but there was something about losing my new memories, something about devolving into the same angered woman that was trapped in a mirror, that was. Though I'm sure my overthinking of the retrogression was just me making up excuses so I didn't have to go back and face Dark's outbursts to me betraying him. He did it enough when I landed in the Void. Though my dreams were half of angry Dark and half of Dark begging, pleading for me to return home but I think that's just me being hopeful and reflecting too much on his letter. I miss them. I miss him. My thoughts called out to the Seer as my hand pet the canine who now had his head firmly in my lap.

I know you do, dear Aurora. Celine sighed out, she had said those words plenty of times before. A yawn broke through the peaceful atmosphere and Celine shooed me to bed, just as she had done a plethora of times before. I nod and make my way to the large white bed that I wished Damien was waiting on but that wasn't going to happen and my dreams held another man, whether I wanted them to or not.

The sky was dark with bright white specks bleeding out from behind the clouds. The nighttime scene was new, so it probably meant I wasn't going to get shouted at which was good. An angry Dark was a very punchable Dark and I didn't need to hurt him again, a gunshot wound was enough. Where even am I? My thoughts asked out as I gazed around cautiously. "Somewhere safe, I assure you." His voice called out from behind me, making my blood chill and my body freeze as if the man who he held a part of was hugging me in his soul-like state. Dark. My thoughts stated, immediately recognising the voice. I turned to look at the demon behind me to see him staring at me rather blankly apart from the fact his lips were curling into a small soft smile that was hardly noticeable if you weren't paying attention.

"Not gonna shout at me again, are ya?" I say slowly, no longer used to speaking in my dreams for obvious reasons. Dark's face contorted with confusion before he shook his head, his typical face covering floof going a bit wild with the motions before calming down on his face once again and that's when I noticed the state of the demon. Now, it's harder to judge how sick or tired someone looks when they're monochromatic but he looked absolutely exhausted and dishevelled. His hair had grown out along with his facial hair, making him appear more scruffy and the fact he wasn't wearing his typical blazer and tie but rather just had his shirt, a few buttons undone with the sleeves rolled up. He didn't look like his usual pristine, business-ready self. To put it simply, he looked like shit but he looked happier almost. "What happened to you, Tall, Dark and Brooding?" I tease but my tone made it obvious that I was concerned for the man.

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