This is Halloween

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A groan filled the air shortly followed by the sound of struggling as I woke up and promptly got tangled in the covers of Damien's bed, a place I didn't remember falling asleep at previously. With a huff, I threw the covers off of my face to see Midnight laying beside me happily, tail wagging like mad as he started to greet me with kisses on the face. I mutter a familiar groan before climbing off of the bed and going through my morning routine. Wash, get dressed, eat, brush teeth and then do whatever I want. Midnight went through a similar routine: jump in the bath with me, dries himself, eats, goes outside for a bit before doing whatever he wanted.

I gathered up Midnight's collar and leash, securing them on the dog before leaving the large house, Celine quietly following behind. Our little group quickly made its way into town and into several shops which were surprisingly very dog-friendly. I didn't question it because it meant I didn't need to find a new shop or leave Midy outside while I looked around, not that he didn't behave. Celine was always quick to give advice while we shopped but it was usually about clothes because I had a funny feeling she didn't know how to cook. I only really got my practice in cooking and baking because Wilford pestered me about it not that I could complain as it just helped me.

As I was shopping my thoughts kept drifting back to Dark, how dishevelled and hurt he was, my heart ached every time I remembered the sight. "Stormy..." I muttered to myself only to receive a bark from Midnight. I look down at him and raise an eyebrow to see him looking up at me with his head tilted in confusion. "What? It's just a name." I mutter to him quietly, not wanting to draw attention from the other customers that I was talking to a dog as if it was human. Midnight barked once more before tilting his head again. I tilt my head in confusion at him before shrugging it off and continuing to walk through the grocery store, taking small moments to remind myself of what we needed and collected it to put in the trolley.

I walked around the store for a little bit, slowly building up what was in the trolley with what was needed before I felt a trolley collide with both mine and me. A yelp escaped Midy as he jumped and backed away from the area, hearing his yelp made my blood boil as I turned to face the idiot who crashed into me only to freeze as I looked at them. "JJ?" The dapper man was shocked to see me before a grin broke out on his face and he pushed the trollies aside to hug me tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked softly, pulling our carts to the side so other shoppers wouldn't cause a problem. The dapper man's face dropped before he began to sign. 'Initially, it was to find you, Anti said you used to live in this area but I grew attached to this place and didn't want to leave. Apparently, I look like someone who also lived here! Fancy that!' Jameson's smile grew once again as he explained, his body bouncing slightly with excitement. 'Apparently, I also have the same name as them. Though this Jameson was a lawyer, not an entertainer like me.'

I finished my grocery shopping with both Midy and Jameson by my side which was peaceful. The thought of the Jameson I once knew crossed my mind before I shook it off, I didn't really want to think about Anti when I was still hiding from most of the egos. Turns out Jameson had a habit of walking into things as I spent most of the journey back to Damien's pulling the mute Irishman out of the way of practically everything. "Hey, JJ? Why do you think you're so much like the lawyer?" I asked as I began to unpack and put items away in the pantry, only stopping when he tapped my shoulder and gained my attention. 'I don't really know, in all fairness. But, I do remember that Anti was the one to remind me what my name was, at least I think I remember that. My memory is rather shoddy.' He admitted, allowing me to conclude that Anti had just given the monocle-wearing man his original name when the dapper gentleman couldn't remember his own. 'In complete honesty? I quite like the name so even if it wasn't my name previously, I still want to keep it.'

When the sky began to darken and the lights illuminated the area in a yellow glow, the dapper Septic ego and I found ourselves staring down at a bunch of pumpkins the pair of us had bought. Halloween was just around the corner and it didn't bring partially good memories to either of us, with him being attacked by Anti and it being another reminder of the poker night that would take the lives of my best friends and my own life. A chill ran down my spine before warmth blanketed my shoulders. I like this ego, he's rather normal. Celine muttered her approval to me as we watched the moustached man being to carve away at a smaller now gutted pumpkin, happily taking his time as he cut more and more chunks away. I hummed to let her know that I heard her before I began to gut one of the larger pumpkins.

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