Awake and Alive

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The old manor was bustling with life as the Halloween party roared on, various Halloween themed songs played out and the house was filled with smiles and laughter. It was quite the sight to see. All the egos seemed thrilled to see me again and we all jumped into conversation with ease, it was almost as if I never left. There was one thing that made it evident that I was, in fact, gone for ages. "Anti, get off of me!" Anti was practically glued to my side and he held tightly onto my arm. I growled in frustration as he shook his head in reply, this had been a thing since he arrived about 10 minutes into the party, claiming he was just being fashionably late instead of his usual laziness. "You too, Wilford!"

Wilford had given up trying to get him off a few hours ago and instead resorted to clinging to my other arm. I would have found it cute if I wasn't staring head-on at Dark's mocking gaze and smirk as he stood in front of me, dressed like the devil himself. Turns out, it wasn't that much different from how he normally dressed aside from the fake horns and the fact his hair was more slicked back to the side, reminiscent of a certain angel of a mayor, rather than covering one of his eyes in the emo-like style it's always in. "Having fun there, darling?" He cooed out teasingly as he made his way over, a small yawn escaping him as he moved making it evident that he was still tired from our activities. The demon cracked his neck in the usual intriguing way before pecking my cheek and using his shadow abilities to free me from the clutches of my clingy captors.

"Thanks, Darky." I chirped out, keeping his old nickname just between the two of us, before having my attention pulled over to Chase trying to chug some of the stronger alcohol that Wil had poofed in about ten minutes ago, a chuckle escaping me as I watched but I hoped that Henrik stopped him before the man got alcohol poisoning. Beside me I could hear Wilford teasing Dark, something about Dark finally losing something, I didn't pay much attention as it wasn't any of my business but my attention was soon pulled back over to the duo as the monochromatic man pulled me into a tight hug and proceeded to bury his head in the crook of my neck. Whatever Wilford said clearly embarrassed him. "What's going on?" I ask a tad breathlessly as I struggled against my new captor's grip, trying to get comfortable in his tight embrace.

The pastel clothed reporter shrugged with a teasing smirk on his face, claiming he didn't know anything before he proceeded to congratulate Dark on something which confused me greatly. The man took a moment to pull out his phone and snap a picture, blinding me slightly as the flash went off. "Oh, look. A new wallpaper." Wilford chuckled out before yelping as Dark tried to snatch the pink smartphone off of his friend. "It's mine!" He whined out as the demon began to chase him around the old manor, in turn releasing me from his grasp. The shouting between the two was loud even against the booming music that was controlled by a certain orange android.

I shook my head at the pair before walking over to the Jims who had been trying their hardest to film all of the chaos. "Hey, Jims!" I greeted, sitting between the two as they both focused on their own cameras. It was nice to see them focused on preserving the memory of this party but I really wished they focused on having fun themselves. Nevertheless, I was happy to see them again and they made their happiness towards seeing me well known as I was crushed into yet another embrace. What is with me and getting caught in tight embraces today?!

"Hello, Phoenix Jim!" They greeted back, confusing me. When I asked about the name they responded that it was because I had come back from the dead better and brighter than before, like a phoenix. Turns out that they remembered the events of what happened all those years ago pretty well and even watched over their old report from time to time to jog their memory of the smaller details. They kept their knowledge of the events far away from Dark or Wilford in fear of their reaction. I let the twins know that I wasn't going to tell on them before encouraging them to join the fun before making my way over to the one man keeping his distance away from everyone - the Host.

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