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I awoke with a start but I calmed myself down as I noticed a certain goof clung to me while he was fast asleep. I ran a hand through his hair gently, a small smile growing on my face as I watched him smile and nuzzle his face into my shoulder.

My eyebrows furrowed at the fact that Wilford had shown up in my dream instead of the usual suspects but any questions I had were soon answered as I looked at the bottom of my bed to see the reporter wave at me. "You were taking a while to wake up." He whispered as he clicked his fingers and made me teleport into his lap. "Work time...!" He exclaimed in a whisper as he clicked his fingers once again before I could protest.

I, of course, begrudgingly agreed to help Wilford with his latest interview as I knew if I said no that he'd beg childishly for me to help until I said yes. I did owe him for the job anyway and I'm sure the Grumps could look after Mark until I get back so there really wasn't a reason to say no. I was just glad that I wasn't in my sleepwear as we walked into the studio that was usually run by Bim but it was used by Wilford for planned out interviews and the Jims for Jim News.

A sigh left my lips as I watched the man run off to get his equipment ready. I was usually there to keep him under control and to keep the interview derailing which leads to me landing in some really dangerous situations, the least dangerous would be me slapping weapons out of Wil's hands with one of the most dangerous was a girl trying to kill us as she felt as if we were getting in the way of her love life. Good thing that Wil and I were used to people like her, with one of the Iplier egos being the same way, so we were quick to nope out of there with only minor injuries.

Almost an hour passed as the pastel man continued to run around getting things ready. The pastel blur was a familiar sight I was more than used to, a rather welcomed thing too - the black smoke appearing in the corner of my eye, however, was not.

With a small turn, I look up at the demon standing next to me. Dark was looking off in Wilford's direction almost as if he hadn't even noticed my presence right next to him. "Oh look, it's tall, dark and brooding." I chuckle out, gaining Dark's attention. A small smile made its way to his lips, confusing me. "What brings you to the studio?" I ask, letting my gaze shift over to Wilford now panting while holding himself up using a chair he had just placed down. He never learns to pace himself.

"I was actually hoping to speak to Wil about something, but I can see that he's busy. New interview, mayhaps?" He replied, his voice distorting in annoyance when he mentioned that Wilford was busy. I nod to answer his question before letting him know that I had no idea who we were interviewing. "That's odd, Bim told me that you're usually informed on the interviewee." Dark mentioned, looking down at me before cracking his neck. My cheeks flushing slightly at the sight.

I shook my head slightly before looking up at him. "Why are you trying to be friendly?" I ask as my eyes narrow at the suited man. A slightly nervous look appeared on his face before it faded into his usual scowl as his arms shifted behind him, reminding me of how I would do the same when trying to regain composure.

Dark simply shrugged and continued to watch Wilford try his hardest to get the studio together while also trying to not collapse. "Wil, pace yourself!" Dark called out, worry clearly echoing in his voice as Wil exaggeratingly collapses onto a sofa off to the side of the room. The demon sighed heavily once Wilford exclaimed that he was nearly done and just proceeded to watch the pastel blur move erratically again. "He's certainly pulling out all the stops for this guest... and it's a little concerning."

I shrug and look up at the monochromatic man for a moment and stated that he was probably just trying to make the guest comfortable. Dark hummed slightly to let me know that he heard me as he continued to stand next to me as we watched our mutual friend run around like an idiot. I was so busy wrapped up in keeping an eye on Wil that I didn't notice that Dark and I had gotten rather close together until our arms were touching.

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