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It had been about a week with me on the road, unless I was at a motel or on the side of the road throwing up from what I could only assume was food poisoning from whatever people tried to feed me during my coma, before I stumbled across the old place, the manor in which I died but it was better than nothing. The town was a good several miles away but I needed my rest by that point and I knew no one was going to be in the large house to bother me, well I hoped anyway. The old door creaked loudly as it slowly swung open after I pushed against it, the place was more lifeless than before since the resident spirits had left, the only thing that seemed to be living in the area were plants and even they seemed to be wilting. I checked around the area to see if any wild animals had tried to make this place their home before heading back to the van and gathering some of the things I had been able to buy due to the man leaving money in the glovebox.

I stumbled up the stairs bag in hand and into the room that I slept in the night before I died, just happy at the chance to sleep on a bed instead of in the van. I knew that my kidnapper was probably trying to track me down but at this point, I was too tired to care, I just wanted a comfortable night's sleep both for my sake and the sake of seeing either of my boys. A groan left my lips as I laid myself down on the dusty old bed, coughing slightly as the dust attacked my lungs. Much like with Damien's old bed, it was surprisingly still comfortable and sturdy as it didn't break as soon as more weight was added to it. Just as I was about to doze off, the loud bang on a door slamming against a wall echoed out, chasing away any sleep that I felt as I shot off of the bed and yanked the crowbar from my bag, holding it close as I slowly made my way downstairs. "That was louder than I was expecting." The voice spoke out as if the speaker was embarrassed.

"What ze hell were you trying to do, Jackie? Break ze door down?" A familiar German accent sounded out, indicating the intruders' identities. The good doctor, Henrik and the lovable superhero, Jackieboy Man stood at the door as if they were waiting for something, anything to happen. I could just about see them from my position at the top of the stairs, Henrik had his arms crossed while Jackie had his hands on his sides in a proud stance despite the nervous smile on his face. "We're trying to find ze girl und her kidnapper, alerting zhem to our presence isn't going to help," Henrik explained, stepping further into the manor to look around. "Gott im himmel, zhis place is dusty!" The doctor exclaimed, covering his face with the surgeon's mask that was previously just hanging around his neck. "Oh shush, Jackie." The German said in response to Jackie making a comment about how loud the doctor was being and even repeating the doctor's words.

A small giggle left my lips, quiet enough to not alert or startle the boys downstairs as I made my way down them. "Henrik! Jackie!" I called out happily, practically rushing over to them but being careful with the crowbar that was still firmly in my hand. The boys crushed me into a tight hug, avoiding the crowbar like champs. "I missed you guys! Dark and Anti got search parties out for me?" The pair nodded at my question but kept their hold on me. "Who was the last person to see me before I was kidnapped?" I asked, recalling the Singer's words.

They flinched for a moment and finally released their hold on me as they moved away to discuss if they should tell me or not, or so I assumed from the context of the situation. I sigh and tell them it's not important, that I was just curious before asking them if they were hungry as I started to walk back upstairs to my bag where I kept some snacks on me. Henrik declined while Jackie jumped at the chance for snacks, his eagerness making me chuckle as he bound up the stairs after me. The boys made sure to catch me up on what was happening with everyone, that Sean had got in contact with all of them in his quest to try and find me and helped look after me with Wilford during my coma. That would be the Chipper duo then. Then they went on to explain that when I was kidnapped that Anti, Dark and Wilford went on a rampage, practically destroying everything in their sights and then the two demonic egos went on to demand that everyone was to look for me but it wasn't as if they had to demand that as Jackie went on to say: "Most of us had already planned places to look and began setting up teams by the time they so much as started to tell us to look! Heck, Google and the Host are currently looking around the nearby town."

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