Forced Time Off

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Darkness surrounded me just like it always did in the void but something felt different. Like a terrible presence had made its home here. Dark...? My thoughts echoed out, the sound of static now present confirming my suspicions. A silent sigh left my lips as I gazed around, trying to see if there was anyone around.

The sound of footsteps coming closer drew my attention to the direction they came from. A blue and red outline alerted me to the fact that it was Dark. "You shouldn't be here." He stated coldly, not looking anywhere at me but rather the pale blue light that was only a small distance away from him. "You shouldn't exist at all - not anymore." Dark's voice turned to a distorted hiss as he glared at what was left of Damien.

A gulp bobbed up and down in my throat, the need to protect the innocent mayor growing with each passing moment. My gaze fell to the floor to check to see if my legs were coated in the typical sludge to see that they were clear of any residue, my attention was ripped back up to the demon and the mayor as the sound of static grew more intense. Any panic I had grew wildly as I saw that Dark was reaching for the fading blue light, without so much as a thought my body sprinted forward only to run into something invisible.

In a massive panic, I bashed my hands against the force field that kept me from protecting Damien. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched Dark's hand draw closer. No! Don't hurt him! NO!!! My thoughts screamed up but neither could hear me.

The sound of someone worryingly calling me broke me away from unconsciousness. A groan left my lips as I tried swatting away the person before turning over and burying my face in my pillow. A deep baritone chuckle sounded out before warm hands tried turning me over. "Nooooo..." I whined out, glaring at the man sleepily just to see him smile brightly at me.

"Come on, sleepy butt." Mark beamed out as he tried to pull me from my comfy bed. He ignored my whines as he carried me out to my kitchen and placed me down at the table, laughing when my head fell against the wood. Soon the room was filled with the smell of pancakes and tea. A groan sounded out of my throat as I looked up at the American man which was making breakfast. "You've got work today, yeah?" He asked, gazing over his shoulder at me as he flipped yet another pancake.

I nod and watch at Anti, still in his cat form, made his way over to me and jumped on my lap, purring as he did. "Yep." My eyebrows furrow as I look into the living room to check the clock. 6 AM. "I have a few hours before I need to leave..." I mutter, my hand thoughtlessly petting the imp on my lap.

A sound of confirmation left Mark's lips as he brought over two plates of pancakes. "So, we have some time to hang out!" He chirped, sending another bright grin my way. I threw him my own smile and nodding at the same time.

Soon we found ourselves leaning against each other while I played Fallout 3, Mark adding colourful commentary as my character went. My flat was filled with laughter after my character got sent into the sky from the every buggy game physics when the sound of my phone ringing cut through the air. I quickly rushed to get it to find Klaus was calling me.


"Heya, Fräulein! Have you started making your way to work yet?" Klaus spoke out, sounding frustrated at something but his question made me suspicious.

I knew that there was a chance that he was going to try and prank me but I decided to play along, see what cliche he'd try to hit me with. "No...? Why?"

"Someone thought it would be funny to burn down the broken downside of the hospital without realising that a functioning hospital was attached to it. So, we're out of a job for a while unless we ask for temporary transfers!" His tone was filled with a mild anger, possibly at the thought of having to work with complete strangers. The staff at the hospital were rather close so it's only understandable that we didn't like the idea of working with new people.

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