A New Roommate

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A few weeks went by before any of the egos, apart from Anti, showed up at my flat so it was quite the surprise when I opened my door after coming back from a small job, that Wilford had told me to do via text, to see practically all the egos that showed up to meetings just resting in my living room.

I looked around, rather confused to see a dishevelled Dark peaking out at me from the doorway that lead to my bedroom, I quickly ran off to his side. "What's going on?" I just managed to ask him before he pulled me into my room and shut the door behind me.

"They just followed me here." Dark groaned out before collapsing onto my bed. "William's on the warpath, something I haven't seen in quite a few decades and I'm in agony." He stated before shifting onto his front. A sigh sounded out from him before he used his shadows to sneak into my ensuite and steal some meds from my medicine cabinet. I raised my eyebrows at his behaviour, not used to him acting so human but shrugged it off and sat gently down by the headboard, my gaze falling to the vase which held the 12 red roses which seemed to refuse to die.

Dark sat up to take the painkillers before shifting so his back was also resting on the headboard. "Why are you here?" I asked while letting my head fall on his shoulder so it didn't feel like I was just a moment away from falling off of my bed. My face became coated with a blush when the demon laid his arm across my shoulders, pulling me into him further.

He was silent for a moment before he spoke. "I wanted to talk to you about me moving in for a bit, get some time away from the other egos. That, and I want to keep Anti in line. Who knows what that damned creature might do." He explained, pulling me even closer as he spoke. When he finished he lifted my head gently so I was looking up at him. "I won't get in the way." He promised with a slight purr in his voice, a small cheeky smile curling at the edges of his lips. "Well, unless you want me to that is." I cursed mentally at myself as I felt my cheeks flare up once again, making my attraction to the man obvious.

It wasn't fair that he gained Damien's way with words as it meant he knew exactly what to say to make me putty in his hands.

A chuckle left his lips before he pulled me down to lie next to him, grunting under his breath in pain as he did so. "This feels right..." He mumbled as he pulled me onto his chest.

"It's not like I really have a choice in this..." I grumbled as I tried to speak through his shirt. The demon under me chuckled at my attempt to talk and made a sound that I could only interpret as him agreeing with my statement. I groan slightly at the fact I'd be stuck with the man but I suppose he'd bring a bit of order to the chaos that followed Anti.

I wasn't really sure as to how long I was in there laying on Dark but we did eventually move when he teleported us to the front room once we heard a lot of shouting. Turns out Anti thought it would be an amazing idea to threaten to revert Google's updates and make him glitch out once again and wouldn't explain why he threatened him when Dark confronted him. A sigh left my lips when Anti ran behind me to use me as a shield as he knew that the Iplier egos wouldn't harm me.

I didn't need to look behind me to know that the imp had a shit-eating grin stretched across his face. "Get away from her and act like an adult, will you?" Dark hissed out, stepping close to me as an attempt to get in Anti's face without having to rip me out of the way because Anti's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I believe that fact is making Dark much more hostile towards the thing. Celine chirped seeming rather happy that Dark's confrontation was against the creature she showed obvious disdain for. "Let go of her." The demon growled, his shadows beginning to coat the walls of my home.

"Why the fuck should I? She's my lovely roommate and I'm just hugging her." Anti stated, his cockiness even more evident but his ego was quickly shot at once Dark's own cocky grin spread across his lips.

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