Hello Again, Partner

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It took ages to convince Wilford to take me back home, luckily my body threatening to collapse from exhaustion did the trick and made him promptly send me home, unfortunately, he didn't send me to bed. Instead I landed straight into a sleeping Mark's lap, fortunately, in his tired state, he didn't question it.

I decided that since Mark was a guest that he was going to sleep in the bed. It was only fair. Unfortunately for me, he's not the lightest person around so it took longer than my exhausted body could cope as by the time we got towards my bedroom door I began to fall, both into unconsciousness and onto the floor.

The feeling of dread overwhelmed me as I looked around the void, the same darkness that I knew Damien lived in, the same darkness which I couldn't see his fading blue glow. Please tell me he hasn't fully faded...! My thoughts never echoed out as they always did in the void. My heart began to pound in my chest, fearful for the mayor's safety. I hadn't known him long but I was already very attached to him. The similarities between him and my Mark didn't help.

"Lass, why are you in the void?" A distorted Irish voice sounded out from behind me, alerting me to the fact a certain glitchy imp was nearby.

Without much thought, I turned to look at the green-tinted dark version of my Irish friend. "Anti, you disappeared on me." I huffed out, crossing my arms. "Anyway, Dark must have accidentally linked my dreams to this place once he was able to talk to me from them." I tried to explain, not entirely sure on my wording as I watched Anti's head tip to the side in confusion.

The imp shook his head slightly as he tried to process my words, looking around as he did so. "Aye, sorry I left you like that. Wilford is a scary bastard and I really didn't want to have to deal with him informing Dark of my presence." Anti says apologetically, trying to look down at his feet to see the dark sludge sticking to them. A small groan left his lips, a small mumble about how he was wearing borrowed clothes and how the owner would hate him.

It still struck me as weird that I really didn't have a problem being around him, but that might be because of the fact I had him around me for months without incident. My plan crossed my mind and despite my hesitance, I knew there was no better person to ask for help. "Hey, Anti?" I muttered out, looking around in case the suited demon dared to make an appearance. A small hum sounded out from the imp, letting me know that I did, in fact, have his attention. "Can you help me search somewhere? It's an abandoned manor, I just need to find it." I mumble out, glancing up at the green-tinted Irishman.

"Sure! I love abandoned places! But, um... Let's wait for you to wake up first. I'll need you to sketch it out for me to find it." Anti explained as he tried to yank his feet out of the dark, thick, sticky substance that coated the floor. "Ugh... I hate the void!" He yelled out, his voice glitching out in frustration, his body bouncing slightly as if that was going to help him in the situation he found himself stuck in. Are people meant to be scared of this guy? I thought to myself, now more than glad that my thoughts were once again private.

Soon enough I found myself falling back into the slime below me, Anti's head planting itself against my stomach as he groaned in annoyance. "Well, there's little we can do about this..." I muttered, slowly prying my right arm away from the gunk that clung to it. If Anti couldn't get his leg out, I doubt I was going to be standing again. "I need to wake up." I speak aloud, looking around for something that could possibly do the trick only to see the same nothingness that was ever present in the void. The imp leaning against me huffed out before glitching away from the muck and proceeded to float in the air once he was free.

The next while was filled with bickering between me and the silly imp who forgot he could have just glitched away from the sludge to begin with.

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