A Date with a Demon

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The pocket dimension that the monochromatic demon placed us in was much like the void, except for the fact we were sitting at what seemed to be a table dressed up to be presented at a date. Dark sat opposite me, not caring too much to speak but rather focusing on the food that he summoned in front of us. He somehow knew exactly what I'd like but he was trying to get me on his side so trying to please me wasn't off the table so to speak.

"I thought you wanted to talk." I spat out, not impressed with the demon giving me the silent treatment. Said demon just raised an eyebrow at me before continuing with the steak he had summoned for himself. "Is that even real?" I question, gazing at the hunk of meat he was eating from.

A chuckle left his lips before he gave a small nod. "It's very real. From a very fine restaurant, in fact." He stated simply, taking a tip from the glass closest to him. "Aren't you going to eat? I doubt you've been given the chance to eat yet considering everything that has happened." The demon said, gesturing to the food that sat in front of me.

Moments went by before I gave in and started to eat. A smug smirk curled at Dark's lips as he watched me eat, his food now gone and his hands curled under his chin as his confidence practically radiated from him.

A sigh left my lips once I was done eating. "Why are you doing this?" I ask softly, unsure of my word choice but there was a chance he'd answer me normally.

The sound of a deep chuckle filled the air, pulling my attention over to the cocky demon opposite me. "Why? I'm sure it's fair for any man to want to treat the object of his affections to a date." Heat rushed to my cheeks as I heard his response. Another chuckle sounded out as he gently stroked my cheek, his eyes filled with false warmth yet again. If I didn't know that he was made out of people and a shadow, I doubt I would be in the wrong for assuming the man was an incubus. I thought as I inched away from his hand.

A faint chill started to fill the air as Dark's phone rang loudly, an irritated groan left his lips as he signalled that he would be back before disappearing in a plume of black smoke. Ah, why is it so cold in here?! I thought to myself as I drew my arms in, hugging myself tightly to try and maintain my warmth.

Light hissing sounded out from behind me, causing me to whip my head around to the direction in alarm. The dark, icy mist from the manor began to snake it's way over, almost coating the floor entirely as the frost it created began to climb it's way up the table. "Damien?" I mutter out, my hand reaching out towards the mist as I did. The cold burn that the mist caused to my hand was mild compared to how the chill burned at my cheeks.

The mist wrapped around my hand gently and slowly, as if it was trying to move without scaring me.

Hello dear...

A male voice sounded out a familiar voice that I had not heard for a while. Damien! The icy feeling proceeded to wind its way behind me as if the cold was once again trying to hug me. You left me... Damien's voice hissed out, his tone mimicking Dark's as it distorted slightly.

Tears began to prick at my eyes as the cold started to become uncomfortable as my body started to go numb. "Damien, please... I didn't leave you!" I cried out as a tight, painful feeling wrapped around my neck. Then why did you run, dear? You ran as I was just saying hello... I whimpered slightly as the feeling around my neck tightened. He's strangling me...! A few tears ran down my face as I began to struggle to breathe. "Celine told us to run! I listened to her!" I cried out, wishing that Dark would come back to stop the cold spirit that was cutting off my airways.

And you listened to her? To the known manipulator?! Damien's voice distorted further as it hissed in anger. "Dames... you're hurting me...!" I whimper out and I try to pry the invisible force away from my neck. The cold quickly retreated, allowing me to breathe normally as I gasp for air. I cough slightly, rubbing my neck to try and ease up some of the pain the angered soul had caused. I... I'm sorry... I didn't.... That's not me! Damien cried out, his voice back to normal as a mild chill wrapped itself around me. He just... his words were so convincing... He sobbed, as his form became an orb, much like Celine's.

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