The Suited Demon

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Things slowly became routine for the next week. Wake up, hang out with the boys during breakfast, play with Chica while having to wait for them to finish recording new videos, hang out at a cafe with the boys for lunch, sneakily wave at Wilford whenever he shows up in the background, go back to Mark's for dinner and back to sleep where the figure and I would argue over me befriending someone - who he wouldn't name which just made things more confusing.

Today broke the routine as Sean and I were packing up to head back to England. Mark was busy recording something so Sean and I were alone for the first time in a week.

"So... you and Mark, huh?" An Irish lilt sounded out, his tone was teasing as he nudged me with his elbow lightly. "What's going on there?" He asked, sounding a bit more serious as he finished packing his suitcase.

I turn to look at him, rather perplexed by the question. It wasn't like there was anything going on between the man and me, it was just that we became close throughout the week. Plus, it's not like Sean knew about the night I cuddled with Mark, the American wouldn't even talk to me about it which was frustrating because I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to hang over our friendship like an awkward weight threatening to fall on our heads.

"There's nothing going on, we're just becoming good friends. Thanks to you, might I add." I mention, nudging the cheeky Irishman back.

Sean gave out a small chuckle, immediately taking over my packing for me. "It's just that... you two seem oddly close as if you've met before..." He said, sighing before quickly shaking his head dismissively. "I'm probably just jealous because it took me months for you to open up to me while it's taken around a few days for him."

A sigh left my lips as I drew him into a tight hug. "Well, just know that he can't replace you. Okay, Bean?" I say gently, rubbing his back to comfort him. All I got was a small nod as a reply before he pulled away and went back to packing my bags for me. "I'm going to go for a walk quickly, I'll be back soon, okay?" I say, throwing my jacket on and pacing towards the door after receiving a small hum from Sean as confirmation that he heard me. He always went a tad too upset when it came to goodbyes, the first time he and I started talking via email properly after becoming good friends he kept saying how he didn't want to stop talking to me. It took nearly an hour to convince him to leave the computer alone.

The air outside was still far too warm compared to what I was used to, having spent a good portion of time in England.

I had spent at least a quarter of an hour just walking in a random direction before my favourite moustached man showed up to keep me company. "Hey, Wil." I greeted cheerfully, wrapping my arm around his without thinking. I turned my head slightly to look up at the moustached Mark lookalike to see him beaming down at me.

"Hello there, old chap!" Wilford greeted with a chirp in his voice back to me, his moustache and jaw flailing erratically as they always did when he spoke. We had a calm back and forth for almost half an hour before a chill rushed down my spine, it was the feeling of being watched, again. "Hm...?" Wilford noticed the odd feeling and looked around to try and see who it was. "Well, that's not fair..." The moustached man mumbled out, clicking his fingers in annoyance sending us to a meadow in the middle of nowhere.

A dark figure that emitted what seemed to be black smoke stood a distance away, his arms crossed firmly behind his back as his neck rolled along the length of his shoulders releasing the kinks from his spine. Considering who I was holding on to, I quickly worked out who he was. The recently suited demon who had once been a running joke on Mark's channel - Darkiplier.

Dark left out a sigh and turned slightly, just enough for his eyes to land on my companion and I. "At least you've chosen better company." The demon spoke out, his voice was Mark's just deeper but even with the familiarity of it, it didn't comfort me. "Will, move away from her." He ordered only to receive a roll of Wilford's eyes in response causing him to growl in annoyance.

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