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Complete and utter darkness, not unlike the void I had become so adjusted to but instead of being stuck in dark and thick sludge that I had come to expect, it felt like I was floating. Muffled words floated by every now and again, filling the deafening silence of my new prison. I wished to know what the words said but they were usually unintelligible, as if they were just being muttered. I could only just about recognise the voices. A sigh from me broke the silence, needless to say, that I was bored. "...wake..." The word was quiet, the voice that spoke it was cracking slightly as if the speaker was crying but I didn't know why. I didn't know why I was floating in this abyss that I was stuck in, I just hoped that Dark didn't lock me away again. "...please..." Another word, another plea. Those were the two words I were used to by now, the ones I could decipher without much trouble.

A deep part of me, a part I could only assume to be my counterpart, spoke in nothing but muffled apologies. At least she was sorry. I didn't have the energy to fight, I didn't have the energy for anything really. I wasn't sure how long I had been just floating in one spot, just listening to countless voices speak out unintelligible mutters.

Moments went by before the abyss shifted slightly and suddenly a voice, closer and clearer than ever, spoke out to me. "Please... Please wake up... I can't go through this again." The person's voice cracked and warped and was distorted as if multiple people tried speaking at the same time but the pain was evident. Whoever it was, was hurting and I felt horrible for not being able to help them. It seemed like almost forever before I heard anything again, the tune of My Only Sunshine and it was sung so sweetly that it made my heart soar at the sound, the only good thing to happen since I became stuck in the abyss. I tried to sing along, or to make any sound at all but nothing would leave my lips, I was just left with my thoughts. I could practically feel the tears well up in my eyes in frustration as I kept trying to join in with the sad song. A silent huff left me as I tried to look around in the pitch black, hoping to see anything at all rather than the bland nothingness but it was an effort in vain.

There were several key voices that fluttered through the abyss and kept me company. First one was what I called the Group, which was actually several voices which all sounded similar and all said words of encouragement. Another was what I deemed to be the Arguers, a bit like the Group but they didn't get along as well, a rather monotone voice would be discouraging, talking about something being improbable while other voices bickered with that voice but there was always another voice there in the background who would occasionally visit by themselves, the Storyteller. I liked that voice, it was low and it was calming. There was the Chipper duo, always joking and being friendly but it seemed as if they were competing for the position of someone's best friend. And the last of the key voices was the Singer, my favourite visitor.

The singer was the main voice that kept coming back, usually singing the same song but the songs did change every now and again but it was usually either romantic or sad songs. The singer's voice reminded me of Dark, it was deep and baritone and held such a range of emotion, it got to the point that eventually my thoughts would slip up and accidentally call him Dark. It made it seem as if Dark was here singing to me and keeping me company, oh how I wished for something like that. I had given up trying to call for Celine or Damien a long time ago now, they couldn't hear me and I knew Dark couldn't either but I hoped anyway.

I hoped that there was a way out of this, that I wasn't just stuck here but every day that hope began to dwindle and I stopped counting how much time passed a while ago. I felt as if I was a flickering flame, threatening to be snuffed out by the darkness that coated my surrounds. I couldn't even see myself which was bizarre but it helped me draw more to the conclusion that I wasn't in the Void. A voice fluttered through, then another spoke up to compete with that voice but there was also a third, louder voice telling them to behave. Looks like the Singer and the Chipper duo visited at the same time. My thoughts chuckled as I heard them joke for a little bit before the Singer requested some time alone. "Darling..." They sighed, pausing for a moment before speaking again. "God, if you could hear me right now you'd ask what's wrong with me..." Their voice cracked as they talked before sobs began to slip out and break their talk. "Fuck, I miss you. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Never you!" The Singer exclaimed and suddenly the sensation of warmth coated my hand as something brushed gently against my lips, shocking me slightly as I tried to listen to the Singer. "As soon as you wake up, I'm going to do something that he should of done a long time ago... I'm going to ask you to marry me and then we can find a place of our own to live together and... and... we could always start a family? You'd like that, wouldn't you? A life with me? After all, I could give you anything." Another sigh and the sound of shuffling paused their hopeful speech before they spoke out again. "Ugh! Who am I kidding...?! I'd just be lucky if you wanted to see me at all...! ... I love you." Soon their sobs became more prominent, the sound being practically heartbreaking to my ears. A weird pressure laid across my chest as I felt like sobbing myself. Soon the Chipper duo came back and left with the Singer quickly afterwards.

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