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Nausea was what woke me up, the feeling of needing to vomit compelled me to sprint out of bed and into the nearest room with a toilet so I could empty my stomach. An ugly sounding groan left my lips as I tried to clean the flavour from my mouth, the acidic burning causing me to wince slightly as I took a few deep breaths. I was mildly coughing by the time I turned to leave the room only to jump in shock due to Dark standing in the doorway looking worried. "What are you doing there, Stormy? You need rest." I say before wrapping my arms gently around his torso, trying to avoid accidentally injuring his most likely heavily bruised stomach.

"I heard you throwing up, you okay?" He muttered out, his head almost immediately burying into the crook of my neck as he spoke, his voice almost completely like the man I fell in love with all those years ago but the echo was still there. Dark's arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me close as if he was still trying to process the fact that we were together once again. I tell him that I was fine, that I most likely just had a stomach bug but I was still fine all the same. "Let's get back to bed..." Slowly the demon walked backwards, guiding me gently back to Damien's bed. I quickly found my place beside the man as I was practically curled against him while my head rested on top of his chest as if I was trying to listen to his nonexistent heartbeat. I let out a happy sigh and snuggle further into the man's chest, the smell of expensive cologne was faded but still there, still the same scent that I expected my beloved demon to have. "You are my Sunshine..." Dark started to sing out a familiar song which brought memories of my time in a coma to thought.

The room was suddenly coated in shadows but I wasn't worried, this was Dark's doing after all. "My only Sunshine..." His voice continued, making me slowly connect the dots. Delicate shades of blue and red danced about, as if they were putting on a show before they slowed down and spread out like a galaxy in front of me. The small lights seemed to sparkle as they tried to not be consumed by the shadows. "You make me happy, when skies are grey... " The demon nuzzled his nose against the top of my head, a soft and peaceful smile on his face. The blue shade that was correlated with Damien seemed to radiate off of the man strongly as I noticed his hair to be more slicked back than normal. Safe to say that Dark was a very beautiful man. "You'll never know, Dear, how much I love you... So please don't take my Sunshine away." He finished the small portion of the song, pulling me into a gentle kiss.

When he pulled away the shadows and shades of colour that were once depicting a galaxy faded back into him and the room was filled with the morning's light. The soft lighting matching the mood of the room perfectly as it reflected off the fallen angel in such a wonderful way. Crimson invaded my cheeks as I tried to process Dark's subtle confession that was combined with the delicate look on his face. Of course, as life with the egos went, nothing stayed peaceful forever.

"DARK!!!" Wilford's panicked voice filled air as the slamming of doors sounded out. The demon who's name was just called out groaned to himself as he turned to bury his head in the soft white pillows, cursing Wilford's name for destroying the moment. With each new slam of a door, Wilford shouting out the monochromatic man's name and occasionally another voice telling the madman off which was evident by their scolding tone. "DARK! Oh, you're here." Was all that he said when he entered the room that the demon was actually in. "And Gumdrop is here too! Oh! Is this a slumber party?! I want to join!" The reporter beamed before he jumped onto the bed next to me, suddenly in his sleepwear of a yellow top and striped pink bottoms. I bounced a small bit before Dark wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, his shadows holding him down to the bed so his wounds weren't agitated. A giggle slipped out of me as the madman fluttered gentle kisses across my cheeks, nose and forehead as he rambled on about how much he missed me and a few teasing words directed towards the man that held me close.

I wrap my arms around Wilford and give him a tight hug despite Dark's small whines for attention which made my heart flutter. "Missed ya, Colonel." I muttered out, a squeak soon followed as I was crushed into a tight hug as the pastel dressed man began to sob. "Sorry, I didn't mean to call you that!" I cry out as I tried to comfort the man only for his happy laughter to cut me off.

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