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The air was clean and crisp. Cold surrounded me but it wasn't uncomfortable. I had felt colder before anyhow, but this felt like a gentle hug as it brushed against my arms. My old but luckily not tattered, peach cardigan, still holding my vintage perfume, was blowing by my sides as I looked out onto the large field. The trees around the area were in full bloom as Spring had taken hold of the area. I took in a deep breath and leaned up against the tree that I had sat up against, the bark barely scratching me as I shifted my weight. It would have been a rather peaceful experience if it weren't for the sound of my lover sleeping with his head laid in my lap and the laughter that radiated from the other side of the field.

My eyes travelled over my lover's body. It wasn't often that I saw him this peaceful considering his job and his colleagues, there was something rather enchanting about the way he looked when he was sleeping especially with that small smile curled on his face that let me know that he was comfortable. There was something about the way his hair splayed across his face, the way his eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed, the way his chest would rise and fall with each soft breath. Each little movement had me falling further and further in love. His arms were crossed across his belly, a noticeable golden band on his hand showing off against his grey skin. Seeing it made me fiddle with the silver band that rested on my own hand.

A cheeky little giggle caught my attention, my eyes flying over to where it sounded out from to see a small boy with jet black wavy hair and bright blue eyes hide from a younger girl with dark brown bangs and warm light brown eyes, as well as a man in pastel attire. The boy looked over to me and beamed before climbing the tree, joining my lover's royal lookalike. The little girl was the next to look at me, a questioning look much like her father's was thrown my way but she only received a shrug in response, I wasn't going to spoil her brother's fun. The man in pastel looked on from his position, he obviously knew where the boy had gone but had the same opinion as me, playing with the kids was one of the few times that the pink moustached man gave my love a break from his chaotic tendencies. He was practically his old self around the kids, but the guns had been banned since he found out about them.

My attention went back to the man who was asleep with his head in my lap, my fingers had worked their way through his pitch black hair. I looked back to the children playing, wondering where the third had gotten to, it wasn't often that he wandered away from his older brother and sister. My heart began to increase in speed as I looked around, my eyes not being able to see the little one. A groan sounded from next to me as my cheeks were cupped by cold and pulled to look towards my lover, now on his knees beside me. "Calm, you're making it so I can sense your panic. William is fine, Wilford sent him home with Bim and Eric as he was getting tired and he didn't want Junior and Di to worry." Dark's deep voice brought me back to reality. The fact it was deep showed that the entity had more control, so it meant Damien was probably still sleeping. My gazed brush over his face, noticing his pure black eyes at that moment and drinking them in.

"Was Gumdrop panicking about Little Will again?" Wilford's slurred words sounded out as he made his way over, Diana sitting on his shoulders while Damien Jr held onto the man's side using a strap on his suspenders. Dark nodded, a small apologetic smile on his face as he pulled me closer to him, his vanta black suit jacket being summoned over my shoulders at that moment. I try to apologise but the eccentric man shushes me rather loudly. "No need to apologise, madam! I should have told you I sent the boy home to sleep. The apology is mine to give." Wilford threw a sheepish smile my way before placing Diana down and clicking his fingers, a blanket now under us and a picnic basket beside us. "But for now, time to eat!" Junior and Diana cheered and quickly took their place beside Dark and me.

A smile was almost glued onto my face as I looked at my husband and children, it was easy to tell that they were his and that they loved each other. The sight was heartwarming. Diana poked at her father, much like she did when she was a baby and tried to steal his tie, possibly to use in her hair. Junior, however, was busy leaning against me, his tiny hands messing with the ends of my cardigan. It's common for parents to look at their kids and wonder what they'll end up being like when they're adults themselves. But thanks to Wilford and his antics, Dark and I already knew. Apparently, the man never heard of spoilers.

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