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It had been a long time since I left this house, how long I couldn't really recall. Celine had stated before it had been roughly a year, but I knew that she could only guess from the random trips she made to get food and other basic necessities. I stayed here and fixed up Damien's home because I didn't want to face anyone, I couldn't.

Images of what I, no, what she did kept flashing in my mind. The feeling of the gun in my hand as it went off, the look of heartbreak and pain on Dark's face, the way he reached out to me. It made me feel sick everytime it crossed my mind. She didn't care, in fact, she was rather proud of what she did but I felt anguish.

Despite how long I was here, in one spot, no one found me. It was almost as if no one was looking - I hoped that was the case.

I laid there on a bed that once belonged to a man I adore far too much, tears almost continuously running down my face as more grew whenever I thought of Dark. It's not your fault, you couldn't control her. Celine tried to comfort once again, her voice coated with pain as she watched me fall apart for the millionth time.

I refused to sleep for a reason, I didn't want to see Damien in agony and there was always a chance Dark would show up to confront me for what she did as I didn't expect him to know that it wasn't me in control. So, I avoided sleep, only taking naps when I needed to and always making sure Celine woke me up after a few hours so I didn't start dreaming. His blood is still on my hands. I think quietly, curling into and cuddling a pillow as I tried to calm the flow of tears.

Unfortunately, unconsciousness called for me as I laid in the comfy old bed, Celine hummed a lullaby I struggled to remember as I allowed my eyes to close.

I was back in the void, a place that I had strangely missed, possibly because it was linked to people I cared deeply about. I gazed around, a pale orange glow around me once again, something I had not seen since one of my last times in the void. A sigh left my lips as I saw nothing around me. Typical. My thoughts echoed out.

I waddled my way through the thick void sludge, growling lowly to myself as I did until I felt a cool feeling wrap around my body, pinning my arms to my sides. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself, looking down to see shadows blacking out the glow I emitted. "Tall, Dark and Brooding?" I called out teasingly, hoping to see the demon I had feelings for - not that I'd probably ever admit it out loud, I didn't want to make his ego more inflated than it already was.

"How dare you come here after attacking me?!" Dark's voice hissed in my ear, trying to intimidate me thought that distorted tone lost its effect on me a long time ago. "Well?" He asked, demanding an answer from me as his shadows wrapped tighter around me. A sigh left my lips as I turned slowly to face him. His face showed a lot of pain as he looked down at me, his eyes reflecting nothing but agony and betrayal.

I look away for a moment, trying to think about what to say before giving up and just allowing my head to fall against his chest. "It wasn't me." I whimpered out, trying to hold back the tears that built up despite knowing there was no use fighting them. "I had no control of what I did and I am so sorry." Tears began to stream down my face once again as I looked up at him to see a blank expression down at me.

Dark pushed me away and into the sludge, startling me as I tried to focus on making sure the gunk didn't cover me. His face twisted into a horrid grin which made a chill cross over me. Sunshine, wake up! It's just a nightmare! Damien's pained voice called out from the distance. Try and follow my voice, dear! My attention was caught by a light off in the distance, a crack shining through the darkness like it had done a few times before. Dark leaned over to grab me once again but I quickly moved out of the way.

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