Never a Normal Day

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The small amount of time away from the egos was bliss as much as I did adore them. Nothing was more bliss than a bit of peace away from energetic people and it certainly was a good thing that my roommate was lazy. The imp was busy lazing around on the sofa, surprisingly in his human form as he laid in the way of the sun, enjoying the warmth. A chuckle left my lips as I watched Anti, enjoying his silent company on the warm morning.

I sat cross-legged on my armchair, doodling away on some spare paper as I let the time slip by me, only taking notice of the time when my ringtone sounded out. Anti groaned at the noise while covering his ears. I offer him a quick apology before rushing off to my room to collect the noisy device.

"Yeah?" I called out after I pressed the answer button only to receive the sound of crying and cars going by as a reply. Confused heavily, I checked the ID of the caller. "Mark? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, quickly putting the phone back to my ear after seeing the man's name on the screen. My heart began to race as small murmurs of apologies left his lips. "Mark...?" I asked softly, hoping that my gentle tone would at least calm him enough so he could speak.

"I fucked up..." He spoke out, another sob leaving his lips as the sound of cars going past sounds out once again.

A gulp left my lips as I tried to work out what was going on. "Are you... are you driving?" I ask, hoping that his driving wasn't being impaired in any way.

"No, I am!" A new voice sounded while another tried to get Mark to calm down. "Danny, what's even going on?!" The voice cried out, just as confused as I was. Arin? I thought as I heard Danny reply with a short reply of him not knowing himself. I quickly ask why they're driving, I needed at least some information.

"We found Mark just walking Chica while trying not to cry. When we tried to get information out of him he just kept asking for you. I'm Danny by the way! Hi!" Danny called out in greeting before going back to trying to calm down Mark from the sound of his voice going from somewhat happy at speaking to a new person to soft and gentle.

I quickly say hello to both him and Arin before asking Mark what's wrong yet again. "Come on, Mark. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong..." I mutter in frustration as I wished that I had the ability to help him. The only thing I got as a reply was Mark mumbling that he was a bad person and that he hated himself. I could just about hear Arin and Danny calling him an idiot for thinking that as the signal started to weaken.

A sigh left Arin as his voice suddenly became louder. He much of grabbed the phone away from Mark. I thought to myself as I waited for the call to end. "We're heading over, see you as soon as we can! ... He needs you..." He stated before hanging up on me.

I sat in silence for a small while in shock, not at the fact that two Grumps were about to visit, but that Mark was a sobbing mess and apparently needed me. What could possibly be wrong?

I would have stayed in that position if Anti didn't walk in and drag me out so I could get something to eat with him. My friendship with the imp was a surprisingly healthy and stable one like it would be if he was just human. He looked out for me, still not telling me why while I tried my best to look out for him.

Celine remained quiet but I could guess that she wasn't too happy with her brother's actions. She was still there, I could see her red orb following closely behind me at points but she decided to act more like a shadow at this point.

Anti clung to his thick scarf as he bounced up and down impatient while waiting for his food to be done, I giggled to myself as I watched the child-like glitch. He wore clothes that would look more suited in the winter, but with the scarf, glasses and beanie he really did look like a normal human. Before all of this, I would have easily mistook him for Sean. The imp whined to himself as he once again looked over to the kitchen eagerly. "This sucks..." He complained as he pouted with his arms crossed.

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