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Tired and annoyed. Those are the only words to describe what Neil Khanna is feeling right now and all he wants to do is sleep. Today was the first day back in school and any collage going student will tell you that it is usually very hectic.

Neil arrived from Mumbai that same day and he had to settle down and arrange his thing in his dorm, thank god he doesn't have a roommate. He had been running up and down all day from school to dorm and all around and all he wants to do now is to lay down on his bed and relax. But it seems that that is not going to happen soon. He arrived in his room earlier, the room was not livable due to him not really having enough time to arrange his things, so he started to arrange it and as soon as he was done, he took a shower so that he could sleep better. And now, he is laying on his bed but he is not able to sleep. Why? You might ask again. Well the answer to that is also very simple, his phone has been ringing nonstop from the last five minutes and it is from an unknown number.

Neil thought that is he ignore the call, the caller will get the message and stop calling, but it seems like that is going to happen anytime soon. After the 15th or was it the 20th call, Neil hadn't really kept count he decided to pick up the phone. Picking up his from the bed side drawer, he answered the call with the intent to tell whoever is calling to 'piss off', he brought the phone close to his ear.

Caller – hello maa?

He heard a female voice saying from the phone. 'Wrong number' he thought.

Caller – hello? Maa are you there?

The voice said again after not hearing a response.

Neil – wrong number.

He said without any greetings. He removed the phone from his ear with the intent to end the call when his eyes fell on the time. It was 11:30pm. 'Who calls even their mother when it is almost midnight?' he thought furiously in his head. 'and even if call their parents at this time the least they could is check the number and see if they are really calling the person they want to' he hissed and said idiot's before keeping his phone back on the drawer.

What Neil doesn't know is that the call was still on and the person on the other end of the line definitely heard him when he hissed and said idiots.


Hello guys, so here I am with a new story, I hope you support me in this as you did in my other story. Please do tell me how you found it and if I should continue with it or not. Thank you.

AVNEIL - The Other End Of The Line (COMPLETED)✓Where stories live. Discover now