Resolves - Letting go.

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It has been 3 days since I have been practically stalking Avni.

I have been calling her all the time, messaging her and always looking for a way to meet her.

With all the efforts that I have invested into trying to talk to Avni, it seem like Avni is invested more in trying to not to talk to me.

She ignores my calls and messages. She behaves as if I don't exist when she sees me.

She generally just ignores me, but I decided to not give up. She has to talk to me, she has to give a strong reason why she behaved as such.

I believe I know Avni and even if she doesn't have feelings for me I expect her to tell me in a civil manner. I was not expecting her to talk to me like that and to be honest it was unreasonable.

I have been standing in front of her apartment for the last 3 hours.

I followed Avni in after bumping into her at the café close by. I was on my way to her place when I decided I need a coffee to keep me aware and focused for what I planned to do today.

I know Avni's schedule off heart, I know how her routine is, so I already knew when to come.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her at the café but when I tried talking to her, she ignored me as usual.

Any other day, I could have just let her be after trying for a few times, but not today.

Today, I was a man on mission. I intend to get her speak and speak, she will. She must.

I intended to stand in front of her apartment until she talks to me, I don't mind the looks I am getting and I don't really care if people talk about it, but I don't plan on leaving that place without getting something at least tangible from Avni.

I am a stubborn man and when I put my head and heart into doing things, I make sure I do it.


It is getting close to 6hrs since Neil has been standing in front of my apartment.

I didn't take him seriously at first when he said he would stand there until I talk to him. I thought he would leave after standing for some minute or maybe an hour, 2 hours tops, but he has been standing there for more than 5hrs.

I am not comfortable with him standing there not because I am scared of what people will think or how people are seeing this, I am not comfortable because I care about Neil.

I can only imagine how it must feel to be standing there for so many hours, and today especially with the hot uncomfortable weather. I am only imagine how he must be feeling.

I have been looking at him through my window and he doesn't seem like he is leaving anytime soon.

I am trying with all my being to ignore him and pretend that he isn't there, but I can't because before anything else Neil is my friend and no matter how much I tried I cannot really hate him or stay annoyed at him especially now that he is being a stubborn annoying idiot and a brat.


It has been 8hrs since I have been here in front of Avni's apartment waiting for her, but it seems like she is not going to talk.

I thought I could break Avni's resolve and make her talk to me by standing in front of her building for hours but it seems like she did really mean it when she said she hated me and she never wants to talk to me or have anything to do with me. That realization made me heartbroken.

A week ago, I was heartbroken over what she said to me but 4 days ago, I made myself hopeful for a better tomorrow and now, it just seem to me that all that zeal and hope I had inside me was for nothing, Avni really wanted nothing to do with me.

The hurt came back raw and the pain pained more than it did 3 weeks ago, everything just seemed more real now.

I have lost, I have given up. There is no reason for me to be hopeful of something that is not going to happen.

I decided to not waste my time in a place I was not wanted anymore.

As I turned to open the door of my car, I made a promise to myself to never ever try to contact Avni again in my life.

I would forget that I have ever met a girl named Avni in my life talk less of having fall in love with her.

I will forget everything that I associate with her and try to move on in my life because there is nothing to gain for me when I keep on thinking about things that only will hurt and pain me.

I have decided to let it go.

Within a minute after I made that promise to myself, 2 things happened.


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