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Neil Khanna is nervous.

He feeling like wreaking ball.

His hands are sweating and his eyes are twitching.

His legs are somehow shaking and his insides are turning.

He wants to stay calm and collected, in fact he looks calm and collected on the outside to the people looking at him, but he is feeling anything but calm and collected.

He is very nervous which is a relatively new feeling and emotion in the life of Neil Khanna.

He has always been a confident guy. He knows what he wants, when he wants and how he wants it and he always had what he wants without having to do much, so he being nervous  for something is completely new to him.

He is about to meet Avni for the first time, today.

The meeting with Avni part is not entirely what is making him nervous, it is how she will react to him.

He keeps on thinking, is this a date?

To be honest, on his side, he wants it to be a date, but what if Avni doesn't see it like that?

He doesn't want to say or do things that Avni is not hoping or expecting. He doesn't want to ruin what they have between them by pushing too hard too fast seeing as he is already looking at her as his potential future girlfriend.

He wants to have fun with her, have a great time together, and know each other better. He doesn't want to ruin what he knows can develop into a more beautiful relationship between them.

He doesn't want to make things awkward between them by saying something that is totally unexpected. The grey line between friends and more-than-friends can make things awfully perplexing.

He is so into her, even without really seeing her and knowing what she looks like, the problem Is if she is into him as well.

He just hopes that things go smooth and he is able to catch himself before he says the wrong thing at the wrong time.

The second thing that is making Neil Khanna nervous is if Avni is going to like him after seeing him. Will she like what she sees?

Sure they have spoken on the phone, they have spent long hours on the phones, talking and listening.

They have shared a lot secrets and thoughts and dreams and fears with each other, but there is a difference between just talking to someone and really meeting someone.

Neil knows that he is a good looking guy and he is not being conceited about it, it is just the truth.

People have told him and girls have reacted to his good looks. His good looks is one of the things that made him a confident person. There had never been an occasion or time that he was ever insecure about his looks but everyone is different right?

What if his amazing good looks don't impress her?

What if she is more into the plain looking guys?

What if she feels he is not good looking enough for her?

What if? What if? What if? Neil has so many things running in his head about his looks.

The next one is, how should I react and behave around her?

Should I look into her eyes when talking to her or would that make me seem too forward for her liking?

Should I hold her hand or would that be too sudden?

Should I just act like my normal self or should I act cool in front of her?

Would she like it if I crack jokes?

Should I try to flirt with her openly or should I be more stubble about my interest in her?

There are many other questions in his head on that too, but the most troubling question in his head is;

Why did she pick the park to meet?

Not to be taken in a different light, but Neil wanted to meet Avni at somewhere relatively private where they can to talk in peace without much disturbance and too many eyes looking.

The park is just too exposed and somehow too crowded for him to plan a date, because that is what it is exactly is in his head, a date, especially when he is meeting her for the first time in person. It seem to Neil that Avni wasn't really as comfortable as he thought she was with him if she feels she can't leave it to him to select the place they meet since he is the one that suggested they meet in the first place.

And the last one is; am I looking nice enough for our first meet?

Neil has always been a pretty simple guy with a simple yet classy sense of fashion.

He is an only child to one of the richest families in the whole of Asia, he has to be classy but he has never been obsessed with what clothes he is wearing.

His fashion mantra is pretty simple; wear what you are comfortable in.

Neil feels there is no sense to fashion if what you are wearing is not comfortable for you but that still doesn't mean that you should dress just anyhow.

Neil likes to look smart and classy but he always makes sure that he is comfortable in what he is wearing. But that is about him.

What if Avni is into these weird fashion trend that everyone is into these days? What if she feels that he is not looking up to mark for her? What if she doesn't like his sense of fashion?

Should I change what I am wearing to something more else?

Would she like this color on me?

What if she hates black or maybe even white?

Which is the color of the clothes on him. He is wearing a black jeans with a crisp white colored shirt. He is also wearing a khaki colored leather wrist watch and white sneakers.

Should I have worn something more colorful? Something loud? Something maybe like red or blue?

What if? What if? What if?

So many what ifs? So many questions. So many doubts and so many emotions, everything is coming to him at once.

Whatever it is, Neil just hopes that everything goes fine and smooth.

After letting out a big sigh, Neil carried the gift he bought for Avni and his car keys. He then proceeded outside his room in other to go meet Avni.

It is almost 3pm, they were schedule to meet at 4pm, Neil doesn't want to be late in reaching there for the first time he meets Avni. He wouldn't want to look irresponsible in front of her.

He wants to give her a very positive impression about himself, that's the reason why he planned to reach the venue early.

He also wants to use the extra time to calm his nerves before she reaches.

'This is it' the thought in his head as he keyed his car for his departure.

He just hopes all goes well with the meet.


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