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I called out from my position on the bed, I have just woken up now and on not seeing her beside me on the bed, I started calling our here name thinking she is somewhere close and will respond.

After several moments of calling out her name and waiting, i decided to go check out where she was myself.

The apartment was quite, more quite than it has been for some days now.
These last few days, our lives have been a chaos and a smile graced my face just t thinking about the reason why it had been so.

My life is at a stage where i am so happy and content with everything that is going on around my, and in my life.

Though it hasn't been a complete dream like experience, it has been tough and what not, but, everything no matter how hard and difficult it has been, for me, it has been beautiful.

I wouldn't change it for anything.
Seeing Avni grow all these months has been the most beautiful part of these journey. I so love her so so damn much.

I smiled when i thought about my wife as i continued surveying the apartment for her.
Avni, my wife Avni Ayesha.
No, MRS. Avni Neil Khanna, My MRS. Khanna.
It gives me so much peace and fills me with so much bliss to say that. I don't know what i would do without her. I love her so much.

Just as i was about to cross the dining area on my way to check the kitchen, i saw a paper on the table with a set of keys, Avnis set of keys on it.

I don't know why, i suddenly started feeling like i just know whatever is written in that letter, will not be something i would like. I don't know why, but i just felt it.

Slowly and steadily, i moved closer to the table and removed the letter from under the the keys.

It said

You reading this letter is an indication that things have gotten so much for me.
I am sorry, but i don't think i can do this anymore.
I tried, i really tried and i thought i could do it for you but i can't, at least not now.
I love you Neil, i really do and i am not leaving because i don't, but loving you right now is not something i can manage.
I have so much going on with me that i don't think i can do this now.
Everything has gotten too much for my to handle now.
You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in my life and all what you have given me has been precious to me.
I am taking all those but one, the most precious thing you have given me, i am leaving it in your care because i know you are going to care for it more than i would ever have in my life.
I love you Neil and i would miss you.
Sometimes when i lay at night and i imagine what it would have been like if i didn't have so much baggage and issues.
I so wish you and i have met in a very different time and circumstance.
Where i would just be Avni and you would still be you.
Where i would be able to just love you and enjoy being loved by you but no matter how hard i how and wish, i would always be me, the illegitimate grandchildren of Dayavanti Mehta, the love child of Ashish Mehta and a person with only 1 goal in life, to destroy Dayavanti Mehta.
No matter how hard i tried to forget all that and concentrate on moving on in life with you, there hasn't been a moment i could manage that.
No matter how much i love you and no matter how much you love me, i think there would come a time where you will reach the extent of how much you could bear me and my problems and perhaps it was just to this moment that i would be able to burden you with myself and my problems.

I love you.
I love you so much that it hurts.
No matter how much i tried not to, all my efforts were wasted to the extend that i get angry at myself for falling in love with you but i think my love is only to this point.
I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for what i have done one day and i hope you move on in life and be happy because i do want you to be happy and your happiness matters to me but i just can't be the reason for your happiness now.
I am sorry for breaking the promise i made to you of never leaving you.
I'm really very sorry.



I was quite for several minutes after reading that letter. My brain stopped processing everything that is going on.
I just stood right where i read the letter.
I folded the letter, put it in my pocket, turned around and walked to our, no, my bedroom now and just laid down on the bed.

I stared at the ceiling for several moments before i just closed my eyes hoping that i would fall asleep.

As i started falling into a restless sleep, despite all my being been numb at the time, my heart must have done something, because, i just stopped feeling anything and everything.


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