closing Note

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Hello everyone, i am so glad to tell you that this book has been completed now.
I feel so proud of myself for accomplishing that and it wouldn't have been possible without your constant love and  support for my works.
I love you all and i thank you all for the love you shower on my works.

I know there are many lose ends here and a lot of things are just there but that is why the second book is there, so make sure you check it out to see how this tale is going to end.

Avnis pov will come in the second book, everything will be explained there about her feelings, confusion, the wedding and finally, the reason she left Neil. Everything.

Also, i am writing my first Adiza story, so please do check it out and shower your love and support on it too.
I would really appreciate it.

Don't forget to vote and comment and if you have a question, shoot me up with it and i would be happy to answer it for you.

Once again, thanks for all the love and support, i would be waiting to read your thoughts on the last update.

Vote and comment.
P.S- i am very disappointed with the reviews or lack of in the last update, if things continue like this, i will discontinue my other stories. I like to be appreciated when i do something. Its only polite.

Much love

AVNEIL - The Other End Of The Line (COMPLETED)✓Where stories live. Discover now