A Day To Remember: Chances (A)

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A Day Of Chances

I have spent a lot of time.

Wasted hours and hours thinking.

I saw seconds changing to minutes changing to hours changing to days while wondering.

I have wondered what it was that made Avni react the way she did and why is it she said all men are the same.

I have made come guesses, so wild ones even but I never really elapsed how far from the real reason I really was until some moments ago.

I have just returned back to my apartment after a long and tiring and surprising evening.

It was an evening of discoveries and answers for me.

I got to know so many answers and incites to all most all of my queries if not all.

I finally found out why Avni is the way she is.


You know that feeling you feel inside of you when you feel you have been defeated?

When you feel that all your zeal and positivity has been for nothing.

When you feel that maybe you are just not good enough?

That I exactly how I feel now as I turned to open the door to my car and go back to my apartment.

I know when I am not wanted and I know how to deal with it with the little dignity left inside of me,

Avni doesn't want me, she would never want me, she has never wanted me, and so it's better for me to just leave.

Just as I open the door to get in my car and leave as soon as possible I felt footsteps of someone behind me.

I had have the mind to just leave and not check how it was because that person is clearly here to talk to me and I understood that because the person s standing right behind me and saying nothing.

I was like "what a rude person, just standing behind a person's back expecting them to just automatically assume they are here for you.

Neil - idiots.

I muttered under my breath before I turned to see who that rude person was.

It was the least person I was expecting to be there behind me.

It was Avni and she was looking at me with a frown on her pretty face.

Avni – I see that you still go around calling people idiots. Some things never change.

I just stood there gaping at her, not saying anything.

To be honest, I was kind of confused with what was happening

I couldn't really figure out what she was saying and why she was there and also why is she behaving so normal as if she has not been ignoring me for many days now.

And I really couldn't believe that she is talking to me in the first place.

Avni – I thought you wanted to talk to me, I mean that must be the reason you have been stalking me and also why you have been standing here for the last 6hours.

She said again to me but I still couldn't bring myself to talk or say anything to her.

Seeing as I am not saying anything to her, she turned to leave and that was what brought my brain back from the little vacation it took.

I quickly called out to her.

Neil – Avni wait.

She stopped, took a little moment before she turned to me.

Neil – I am sorry.

I quickly uttered.

Neil – but you can't blame me, you took me by surprise. I have given up the hope that you would actually come out that it why I reacted the way I did.

Avni – hmmm, and what of the 'idiot' remark? I thought we have talked about it. I have told you that it was rude to call people idiots. What if it was someone else? Maybe your professor or something?

Neil – I am sorry okay? I was in a bad mood.

Avni – that's still not an excuse to go about insulting people. Just because you are upset doesn't mean you start insulting people.

Neil – are we really going to argue about that? Really Avni? Don't we have like more pressing matters to discuss?

Avni – okay. I am letting it slip this one last time.

Neil – thank you.

I said with an exaggerated sigh. She rolled her eyes at me and I smiled before I said;

Neil – I want to talk Avni.

I said quiet seriously to her.

Avni – I kind of know that after sending me so many text messages and following me and lastly standing front of me apartment building for hours, that is why I am here.

She was being snarky with me.

Neil – Avni, stop.

I said, I was getting annoyed with the way she was behaving.

Avni – stop what?

She tried acting clueless to me.

Neil – you know what.

I said to her.

Neil – where do we talk?

She sighed before saying;

Avni – let's go to my apartment. We need the privacy.


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