A Day Unforeseen

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There is this saying that men go through 12 emotional stages on their wedding day.

There is excitement, then comes anxiety and then sheer terror, there is doubt, resignation, adoration, relief, terror (again), elation, inebriation, passion and finally exhaustion.

When I first heard about these stages some few years or months ago, I thought it was all cord wallop, a bunch of bullshit and just something that people say to make men nervous on their wedding days, but today, today I fully believe that all those sayings, old or new, are there for a reason.

I got married today.

Surprised? Even I was.

When I woke up today, I woke up as a single guy, well not exactly single, I did have a beautiful girlfriend that I love and adore, but you get what I am trying to say, right?

Well, as I was saying, when I woke up today, I wasn't married, I didn't plan to get married at least for some years to come, when both I and Avni are done with collage and have settled with our lives and everything, but still here I am married and I am not even for a bit regretful of it.

I, getting married today has been the, most daring and remarkable thing I think I have done in my life. It was unexpected, but I dint plan to fall in love in first place and things happen. Sometimes a situation arises that you just can't help but react with your reflex. Such a situation happened today.

Some Moments Ago.....

It has exactly been 4 months since the day Avni decided to give me and our relationship a chance.

These four months have been some of my happiest. I won't lie and say it has been a perfectly smooth ride, but with has been a ride with more ups than down and I am happy, that's what matters right?

In these four months, Avni has made a remarkable progress in the way she sees herself, she is starting to believe that she does deserve some good in her life, though there are times where she gets back to her most insecure self.

On this day, every month, I try to make things interesting for Avni and also try to make her feel more special than I already try to do every day. I love her and I like to remind her of that fact as often as I can.

I was not planning to do much that day, I just planned to take her to a temple and try to get her to start believing in God again or at least, get her to enter the temple. I planned on praying for our future together in that temple and then after that take her to a restaurant for a date. It was not much, but it was something. I just really like celebrating this day.

Before leaving my apartment, I made sure I had everything I would need on me, I locked the door of my room and started walking across the hall to where Avni's room is. I had already informed her earlier to get ready, and that we are going out.

When I reached her door, I knocked once, twice and thrice but there was no response from the other side. I started to panic because this is something that has never happened before.

Avni always responds when I knock at her door except when she is sleeping and she usually tells me when she wants to sleep even if it is an afternoon nap, she always informs so that I don't disturb her.

I was quiet sure that she wasn't sleeping though because I spoke to her like 20 minutes ago and told her to get ready, that we are going out and that is the main reason why I was panicking at that time. Many thoughts, scary thoughts started running through my head and that made me to quickly try and open the door to see if it is not locked.

The door was thankfully unlocked and I rushed inside as soon as I could to see if everything is alright or not.

When I entered the room, Avni was not there and the panic inside me reached another level all together, in my great state of panic, it took me some moments before I could hear some crying sounds coming from the bathroom.

As soon as I heard that and my brain was able to process that it was my Avni that is crying in the bathroom, I rushed there and thankfully, the door was not locked from the inside.

The sight that greeted me inside the bathroom at that moment, it was a sight that I never wish to witness ever again.

I saw my Avni and she was in such a form that never want to witness again in my life. Just thinking about it makes my heart twist with anguish and pain.


Hello guys, long time no see. I am very sorry for taking such a long time before giving you an update. I was busy with school and life.

Life is so tiring and demanding these days, even today I wrote a test on power and machinery management. I have a test on hydrology on Friday and financial management on Saturday and also processing engineering on Monday. These all are bulky courses and I have to pass them if I want to finish school with my mates, I hope you understand.

I wasn't really planning on updating today but something happened that improved my mood, so despite the tiredness in me, I just had to update this for you. I hope you like it.

Please when you read it, show me that you appreciate the time and effort I am putting in this story by tapping the vote icon.

Please vote and comment if you can, it keeps me motivated.

Also, this book is soon coming to an end and as I have already explained some time ago, this is a 2 book story and I would be posting the prologue or maybe teaser for the second book, do make sure you stick around so that you know when I post it.

Also, I am thinking about calling the story "when two different worlds collide" but if anyone has a better suggestion for the name, I am open for options.

Love you all,


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